Ованнисян Ричард Гаспарович — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Строка 1: Строка 1:
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| name-ru-04    = Оганнисян Тигран Гаспарович
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| дата рождения        = 10.11.1932  
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| место рождения      = Тулари, Калифорния, США
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| дата смерти          = 11.07.2023
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| место смерти        =  
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| краткая информация = Профессор истории Армении и Ближнего Востока в Калифорнийском университете Лос-Анджелеса (UCLA)
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| тэг07 = Медаль «Месроп Маштоц»
| тэг08 = Медаль Мовсеса Хоренаци
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| тэг10 = геноцидовед
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С 1978 по 1995 годы был содиректором Центра ближневосточных исследований фон Грюнбаума.
В 1987 году Ричард Ованнисян стал первым руководителем кафедры современной армянской истории в UCLA, основанной Армянским образовательным фондом (Armenian Educational Foundation). Здесь изучают не только историю Армении, но и армянский язык в его классическом, восточном и западном вариантах, литературу, в том числе литературу армянской диаспоры США.
Почти на пятнадцати университетских факультетах США преподают курсы, связанные с арменистикой, шесть таких курсов ведут бывшие ученики Ричарда Ованнисяна.
==Общественная деятельность==
Председательствует в Академическом совете [[Армянского Национального института]] (Armenian National Institute), входит в число основателей [[Общества Армянских исследований]] (Society for Armenian Studies) и трижды избирался его президентом.
Видный член Армянской Ассамблеи Америки (Armenian Assembly of America) и других общественных организаций армянской диаспоры США.
Ричард Ованнисян — член управляющих советов таких образовательных и общественных организаций, как
*фонд "Лицом к истории и себе" (Facing History and Ourselves Foundation)
*Международный институт холокоста и геноцида (International Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide)
*Международная бдительность (International Alert)
*Фонд исследований армянской архитектуры (Foundation for Research on Armenian Architecture)
Председатель редколлегии [[журнала «Арминьен Ревю»]] член редколлегии ряда американских и армянских (англоязычных) журналов.
Ованнисян Ричард
*"Армянское обозрение"
*"Обозрение прав человека"
*"Журнал Общества Армянских исследований"
Hovannisian Richard G.
==Научные конференции==
За восемь лет Ричарду Ованнисяну удалось провести конференции по следующим историческим областям:
*"Ван-Васпуракан" (май 1997)
*"Багеш-Битлис" (ноябрь 1997)
*"Харберд-Цопк" (май 1998)
*"Карин-Эрзрум" (ноябрь 1998)
*"Покр Хайк/Малая Армения и Себастия-Сивас" (май 1999)
*"Тигранакерт-Диарбекир и Эдесса-Урфа" (ноябрь 1999)
*"Армянская Киликия" (октябрь 2000, под почетным председательством Католикоса Киликийского Арама I)
*"Армянский Константинополь" (май 2001)
*"Карс и Ани" (ноябрь 2001)
*"Армянские общины региона Причерноморья и Понта" (май 2002)
*"Армянская община Смирны-Измира" (ноябрь 2002)
*"Армянские общины Цезареи/Кесарии" (май 2003)
*"Армянская Нор-Джуга — 400 лет" (ноябрь 2003)
*"Армянские общины Ирана" (май 2004)
*"Армянский Иерусалим и армяне на Святой Земле" (ноябрь 2004, под почетным председательством патриарха Иерусалимского архиепископа Торгома Манукяна)
Перу Ричарда Ованнисяна принадлежат десятки научных статей, четырехтомное исследование "Республика Армения" с дополнительным, пятым томом: "Армения на пути к независимости", а также исследование "Армянский Холокост" (1980). Под его редакцией и при его участии вышли сборники "Образ армян в истории и литературе" (1981), "Геноцид армян в перспективе" (1986), "Геноцид армян: история, политика, этика" (1992), "Армянский народ с древнейших времен до наших дней" (1997), "Память и отрицание. Случай геноцида армян" (1998), "Двигаться вперед, оглядываясь назад" (2004)и др.
*Armenia on the Road to Independence Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1967, 1969, 1974, 1984 364
*The Republic of Armenia, Volume I: The First Year, 1918-1919  Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1971, 1974, 1984, 1996 547
*The Armenian Holocaust  Cambridge: Armenian Heritage Press, 1980  61
*The Armenian Image in History and Literature  Malibu: Undena Press, 1981  269
*The Republic of Armenia, Volume II: From Versailles to London, 1919-1920  Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1982, 1996 603
*Islam's Understanding of Itself, ed., Eighth Giorgio Levi Della Vida Conference Proceedings  Malibu: Undena Press, 1983  149
*Ethics of Islam, ed., Ninth Giorgio Levi Della Vida Conference Proceedings  Malibu: Undena Press, 1985  127
*The Armenian Genocide in Perspective  New Brunswick: Transaction Press, Rutgers University, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1997  215
*The Armenian Genocide: History, Politics, Ethics  London: MacMillan Books, and New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992  362
*Poetry and Mysticism in Islam: The Heritage of Rumi, co-editor, Eleventh Giorgio Levi Della Vida Conference Proceedings  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994  204
*The Republic of Armenia, Vol. III: From London to Sèvres, February-August 1920  Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1996 531
*The Republic of Armenia, Vol. IV: Between Crescent and Sickle: Partition and Sovietization  Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1996 496
*"The Thousand and One Nights" in Arabic Literature and Society, co-editor, Twelfth Giorgio Levi Della Vida Conference Proceedings  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997 121
*The Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times: Vol. I: The Dynastic Periods: From Antiquity to the Fourteenth Century  New York: St. Martin's Press, and London: Macmillan, 1997  372
*The Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times: Vol. II: Foreign Domination to Statehood: The Fifteenth Century to the Twentieth Century  New York: St Martin's Press, and London: Macmillan, 1997 493
*The Persian Presence in Islam, co-editor, Thirteenth Giogio Levi Della Vida Conference Proceedings  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998  236
*Remembrance and Denial: The Case of the Armenian Genocide  Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1998 328
*Enlightenment and Diaspora: The Armenian and Jewish Cases, co-editor  Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1999  284
*Religion and Culture in Medieval Islam  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999 119
*Armenian Van/Vaspurakan Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2000  308
*Armanestan dar Astaneye Gharn [Armenia at the Dawn of the Century]  Tehran: Housk, 2000 256
*Armenian Baghesh/Bitlis and Taron/Mush  Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2001  235
*Armenian Tsopk/Kharpert Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2002  469
*Looking Backward, Moving Forward: Confronting the Armenian Genocide New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers 2003  301
*Armenian Karin/Erzerum  Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2003  442
*Armenian Sebastia/Sivas and Lesser Armenia  Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2004  487
*"The Armenian Communities of Southern and Eastern Asia," Armenian Review, XV  Autumn, 1962  15
*"The Mesrob Mashdotz Matenadaran," Ararat, IV  Spring, 1963  5
*"The Formation of the Armenian Republic," Armenian Review, XVII  Winter, 1964  20
*"The Allies and Armenia, 1915-1918," Journal of Contemporary History, III  January, 1968 24
*"Simon Vratzian and Armenian Nationalism," Middle East Studies, V  October, 1969  29
*"The Teaching of Armenian in the United States," ARS Bulletin 1969  4
*"The Status of Modern Armenian History," Ararat, XI  Spring, 1970  4
*"Russian Armenia: A Century of Tsarist Rule," Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, XIX  March, 1971 18
*"The Armeno-Azerbaijani Conflict Over Mountainous Karabagh," Armenian Review, XXIV  Summer, 1971  36
*"The Armenian Occupation of Kars, 1919," in Recent Studies in Modern History  Cambridge, MA: Armenian Heritage Press, 1972  22
*"The Armenian Question in the Ottoman Empire," East European Quarterly, V  March, 1972 26
*"Armenia and the Caucasus in the Genesis of the Soviet-Turkish Entente," International Journal of Middle East Studies, IV  April, 1973 19
*Introduction and Appendix in S.E. Kerr, The Lions of Marash  Albany: State University of New York Press, 1973  40
*"Development of the Armenian Question in the Ottoman Empire," Etudes Arméniennes, I  1973  25
*"The Ebb and Flow of the Armenian Minority in the Arab Middle East," Middle East Journal, XXVII  Winter, 1974  19
*"Dimensions of Democracy and Authority in Caucasian Armenia," Russian Review, XXXIII. Translated to Armenian, Aztak Weekly  January, 1974, 1976 13
*"The Deportations and Massacres of the Armenian Population of the Ottoman Empire, 1915-1922," Human Rights and Genocide, ed. by V.L. Parsegian  New York: Armenian Church Diocese, 1975 12
*"Rewriting History: Beyond Revisionism in the Study of Armenian-Turkish Relations," Ararat, XIX  Summer, 1978  10
*"The Armenian Question," International Journal of Middle East Studies, IX  August, 1979  9
*"Hai-trkakan Kapere eghernen etk" Armeno-Turkish Relations After the Holocaust April, II  April, 1979 5
*"The Ninth General Congress of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, 1919," Armenian Review, XXIV. Translated to Armenian, Aztak, Beirut.  Spring, 1981  16
*"The Armenian Case: In Search of a Just Solution," Address to the World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh, 1982. Translated to Persian (Alik), Tehran, and Armenian (Aztak), Beirut.  Published in Jerusalem, 1982  15
*"Armenian Oral History in the United States," Proceedings of the XIV International Historical Congress, Bucharest, 1980, Vol, IV  Bucharest, 1982 6
*"Parliamentary Government as Modernization in the Republic of Armenia," Armenian Review, XXXI,  Spring, 1983  8
*"Caucasian Armenia Between Imperial and Soviet Rule," in Transcaucasia: Nationalism and Social Change, ed. by R.G. Suny. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Slavic Studies,  1983. Published as "Arménie: l'intermede de l'indépendence nationale," Esprit, April, 1984  33, 23
*"La Question Arménienne, 1878-1923," in Le Crime de Silence: Le Génocide des Arméniens, Preface by Pierre Vidal-Naquet. Also published as "The Historical Dimensions of the Armenian Question," in The Crime of Silence  Paris: Flammarion, 1984 / London: Zed Press, 1985 37
*"Genocide and Denial: The Armenian Case," in Toward the Understanding and Prevention of Genocide, ed. by Israel W. Charny  Boulder and London: Westview Press, 1984 . Expanded version in Greek Athens, 1984 17, 48
*"Hai Dasakan Aghbiurneri Targmanutiune Miatsial Nahangneru Medj" The Translation of Armenian Classical Sources in the United States), Istoriko-Filologicheskii Zhurnal, Akademiia Nauk Armianskoi SSR no. 1, 1987  10
*"Scholarship and Politics," Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies, II  1985-86  17
*"The Armenian Genocide," in Genocide: Issues, Approaches, Resources, special issue of Social Science Record, XXIV, 2 , 18-23. Fall, 1987  6
*"Khorhrdaranakan Karavarutiune Ibrev Ardiatsum Hayastani Hanrapetutian Medj" (Legislative Government and Modernization in the Republic of Armenia), Droshak (Athens). Special issue on the 70th Anniversary of the Republic of Armenia, XIX, 2-3 , 41-47. May/June, 1988  6
*"The Armenian Genocide: A Critical Bibliographic Review," in Israel Charny, ed., Genocide: A Critical Bibliographic Review  London, Mansell, 1988 Chapter 5 26
*"Le Génocide Arménienne," in Arménie: 3000 ans d'histoire, ed. by R.H. Kevorkian and J.-P. Mahe , 323-334.  Marseilles: La Maison Arménienne de la Jeunesse et de la Culture, 1988 12
*"La Premiere République Arménienne," in Arménie: 3000 ans d'histoire, ed. by R.H. Kevorkian and J.-P. Mahe  Marseilles: La Maison Arménienne de la Jeunesse et de la Culture, 1988 23
*"The Armenian Genocide: Remembrance and Denial," Rider College Occasional Paper Series, Number 3  Lawrenceville, NJ: Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center, October, 1988  18
*"Nationalist Ferment in Armenia," Freedom at Issue, no. 105  November/December, 1988 7
*Model Curriculum For Human Rights and Genocide  Sacramento: California State Board of Education, 1988 8
*"Armenian Memorial Day," Read More About It, Vol, III  Ann Arbor: The Pierian Press, 1989  3
*"The Role of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation in the Republic of Armenia," Armenian Review, Vol. 44/2 Translated into Armenian in Horizon (Montreal, Canada), in Erkir (Erevan, Armenia) and Asbarez (Los Angeles, CA).  Summer, 1991  40
*"Amerikanskaia Administratsiia Pomoshchi" American Relief Administration Armianskii Vopros Entsiklopediia  Erevan: Glavnaiia Redaktsiia Armianskoi Entsiklopedii, 1991 2
*"Amerikanskii Komitet za Nezavisimost Armenii  American Committee for the Independence of Armenia)," Armianskii Vopros Entsiklopediia (Erevan: Glavnaiia Redaktsiia Armianskoi Entsiklopedii, 1991  1
*"Mandat na Armeniiu 1920 Mandate for Armenia, 1920," Armianskii Vopros Entsiklopediia  Erevan: Glavnaiia Redaktsiia Armianskoi Entsiklopedii, 1991 1
*"Sevrskii Mirnyi Dogovor, 1920 The Peace Treaty of Sèvres, 1920," Armianskii Vopros Entsiklopediia  Erevan: Glavnaiia Redaktsiia Armianskoi Entsiklopedii, 1991 2
*"Soedinnye Staty Ameriki i Armianskii Vopros The United States of America and the Armenian Question," Armianskii Vopros Entsiklopediia  Erevan: Glavnaiia Redaktsiia Armianskoi Entsiklopedii, 1991 3
*"Altruism in the Armenian Genocide of 1915," in Embracing One Another, ed. by Samuel and Pearl Oliner  New York: New York University Press, 1992 23
*"The Armenian Diaspora and the Narrative of Power," in Diasporas in World Politics, ed. by Dimitri C. Constas and Athanassios G. Platias  London: Macmillan Press, 1993 20
*"The Translation of Armenian Classical Historical Texts in the United States," To Ellinikon: Studies in Honor of Speros Vryonis, Jr.  New Rochelle, New York, 1994  26
*"Historical Memory and Foreign Relations: The Armenian Perspective," in The Legacy of History in Russia and the New States of Eurasia  1994  39
*"Etiology and Sequelae of the Armenian Genocide," in Genocide: Conceptual and Historical Dimensions, ed. by George J. Andreopoulos  Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994  32
*"Mountainous Karabagh in 1920: An Unresolved Contest," Armenian Review, XLVI  1993, 1996  36
*"Soedinennye Staty Ameriki i Armeniia: Mandat i Granitsy, 1920 g." The United States and Armenia: Mandate and Boundaries, 1920 (in Russian), Patma-banasirakan handes [Historical-Philological Journal] pt. 1, 1995, pt. 2, 1997  17, 16
*"L'hydre à quartre tetes du négationnism: négation, rationalisation, relavisation, banalisation," in L'Actualité du Génocide des Arméniens  Paris: Edipol, 1999, pp. 143-176  33
*"The Armenian Genocide as a Prototype," Remembering for the Future: The Holocaust in an Age of Genocide, John K. Roth and Elisabeth Maxwell, eds. in chief, and Margot Levy, ed.; editor, Margot Levy Houndmills, Basingstoke, UK, and New York: Palgrave, 2001 20
*"Confronting the Armenian Genocide," in Pioneers of Genocide Studies, Samuel Totten and Steven L. Jacobs, eds.  New Brunswick, NJ and London: Transaction Publishers, 2002, pp. 27-46 20
*"The Armenian Genocide and US Post-War Commissions," in Jay Winter, ed., America and the Armenian Genocide of 1915  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003 19
*“Expulsion and Genocide: The Armenian Case,” in Dieter Bingen, Wlodzimierz Borodziej, and Stefan Troebst,” eds., Vertreibungen Europäisch Erinnern? Historische Erfahrungen.VergagenheitspolitikZukuftskonzeptionen  Wiesbaden: Hassassowitz, 2003 6
*“The Role of the University Chairs,” and “Relations between Armenian Studies in the U.S. and Armenia,” both in Rethinking Armenian Studies: Past, Present, and Future.  Special Issue of Journal of Armenian Studies, 7:2, 2003 12
*“Otritsanie genotsida armian kak prototip takogo podzhoda,” Vestnik Armianskogo Instituta Mezhdunarodnogo Prava i Politologii v Moskve, Moscow, 2004  18
Richard G. Hovannisian Ричард Ованнисян is Professor of Armenian and Near Eastern History at the University of California, Los Angeles. He served as the Associate Director of the G.E. von Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies from 1978 to 1995. A member of the UCLA faculty since 1962, he has organized the undergraduate and graduate programs in Armenian and Caucasian history. Dr. Hovannisian, a native of Tulare, California, received his B.A.(1954) and M.A.(1958) degrees from the University of California, Berkeley, and his Ph.D.(1966) from UCLA. He was also Associate Professor of History at Mount St. Mary's College, Los Angeles, from 1966 to 1969. In 1987, Professor Hovannisian was appointed the first holder of the Armenian Educational Foundation Endowed Chair in Modern Armenian History at the UCLA. Dr. Hovannisian is the author of Armenia on the Road to Independence (1967, 1969, 1974, 1982); The Republic of Armenia, Volume I (1971, 1974, 1982, 1996), and Volume II (1982, 1996), Volumes III-IV (1996); The Armenian Holocaust (1980); has edited and contributed to The Armenian Image in History and Literature (1981), The Armenian Genocide in Perspective (1986), The Armenian Genocide: History, Politics, Ethics (1992); The Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times, 2 volumes (1997); Remembrance and Denial: The Case of the Armenian Genocide (1998), Enlightenment and Diaspora: The Armenian and Jewish Cases (1999), Armenian Van/Vaspurakan (2000), Armenia at the Dawn of the Century (2000), Taron/Moush and Baghesh/Bitlis (2001), Kharperpt/Tsopk (2002)  and seven books on Near Eastern society and culture. He has also published more than fifty scholarly articles.
Richard Hovannisian is a Guggenheim Fellow and has received many honors for his scholarship, civic activities, and advancement of Armenian Studies. His biographical entries are included in Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the World, Writers' Directory, and a number of other scholarly and literary reference works. Dr. Hovannisian is a founder and three-time president of the Society for Armenian Studies and represented the State of California on the Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education (WICHE) from 1978 to 1994. He serves on the board of directors of nine scholarly and civic organizations, including the Facing History and Ourselves Foundation; the International Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide; International Alert; the Foundation for Research on Armenian Architecture; and the Armenian National Institute (ANI). He is a member of the editorial boards of the Armenian Review, Ararat, Human Rights Review, Journal for the Society for Armenian Studies, and Mitk, and has made numerous television and radio appearances on issues relating to the Armenian people and Armenian, Near Eastern, and Caucasian history. He has been honored by His Holiness Karekin I with the Medal of St. Mesrop Mashtots for his advancement of Armenian Studies. In 1990, Richard Hovannisian was elected to the Armenian Academy of Sciences, becoming the first social scientist living abroad to be so honored. He has received honorary doctorates from Yerevan State University (1994) and Artsakh State University (1997). In 1998, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the First Republic, Dr. Hovannisian was presented the Movses Khorenatsi medal and award by the President of the Republic of Armenia. On November 9, 2001 a Jubilee honorary celebration marked more than 40 years of Dr. Hovannisian's truly exemplary academic and personal life as a scholar, teacher, mentor and a friend. In 2002, the President of Artsakh on behalf of the people of Nagorno-Karabagh personally presented to Dr. Hovannisian the Republic's Medal of St. Mesrop Mashtots.
*доктор философии (1965)
*профессор истории Армении и Ближнего Востока в Калифорнийском университете Лос-Анджелеса (UCLA)
*почетный иностранный член АН Арм. ССР (1990, первый среди зарубежных ученых в области общественных наук)
*почетный доктор Ереванского унивеситета (1994)
*почетный доктор Арцахского унивеситета (1997)
*медаль Св. Месропа Маштоца (1984, по представлению Киликийского католикоса Гарегина II)
*медаль Св. Мовсеса Хоренаци (1998, по случаю 80-й годовщины провозглашения Первой Республики)
*медаль Св. Месропа Маштоца (2002, по представлению президента НКР)
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*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvboINYd8_0&feature=player_embedded Susanna Makaryan, ArTn Shant tv, Armenian history, Richard Hovhannisian, ARthur Armin, Armenian history]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlYlbn7pvHM&feature=related Richard Hovhannisyan]
*[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whVJR4e1_7k&feature=player_embedded Ричард Ованнисян]
Dr. Richard G. Hovannisian: Jubilee Celebration Honoring More Than Four Decades of Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Armenian, Near Eastern and Caucasian Studies
*Армянский вопрос / Под ред. К.С. ХудавердянаЕр., 1991  
*[http://www.bvahan.com/ArmenianWay/aw/Armen_Aivazian/Reviews_and_Discussions/Avetissian_Melkonian_Golos_20020914.htm Клевета или божья роса?]
*[http://www.panarmenian.net/rus/politics/news/30586/ Ричард Ованнисян: Турция рано или поздно признает свою историю]
DAILY BRUIN: Banquet Honors Hovannisian, Begins a Two-Day Conference - Sold-out Event Lauds Accomplishments of Department Founder
*[http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/history/centers/armenian/hovannisian.html Биография - UCLA - Арменоведение - История] (англ.)
By Brooke Dodson
*[http://aniv.ru/view.php?numer=3&st=2&rub=8 Собиратель земель - Анив]
*[http://hetq.am/en/politics/8006/ Ричард Ованнисян настоятельно призывает к осторожному подходу к Турции]
*[http://www.armtown.com/news/en/a1p/20050426/27587/ Турецкие архивы должны быть открыты]
UCLA TODAY: Professor Richard G. Hovannisian - Pioneering Scholar in Armenian History - Professor Hovannisian Marked his 40th Year as a Teacher
By Meg Sullivan
[[Категория:Доктора философских наук]]
[[Категория:Общественные деятели]]
DAILY BRUIN: Exhibit Encourages a Dialogue with History
[[Категория:Почётные доктора Ереванского государственного университета]]
By Kathleen Mitchell
Published Books 
  Title:  Publication:  Pages:
Armenia on the Road to Independence Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1967, 1969, 1974, 1984 364
2 The Republic of Armenia, Volume I: The First Year, 1918-1919  Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1971, 1974, 1984, 1996 547
3 The Armenian Holocaust  Cambridge: Armenian Heritage Press, 1980  61
4 The Armenian Image in History and Literature  Malibu: Undena Press, 1981  269
5 The Republic of Armenia, Volume II: From Versailles to London, 1919-1920  Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1982, 1996 603
6 Islam's Understanding of Itself, ed., Eighth Giorgio Levi Della Vida Conference Proceedings Malibu: Undena Press, 1983  149
7 Ethics of Islam, ed., Ninth Giorgio Levi Della Vida Conference Proceedings  Malibu: Undena Press, 1985  127
8 The Armenian Genocide in Perspective  New Brunswick: Transaction Press, Rutgers University, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1997  215
9 The Armenian Genocide: History, Politics, Ethics  London: MacMillan Books, and New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992  362
10  Poetry and Mysticism in Islam: The Heritage of Rumi, co-editor, Eleventh Giorgio Levi Della Vida Conference Proceedings  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994  204
11  The Republic of Armenia, Vol. III: From London to Sèvres, February-August 1920  Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1996 531
12  The Republic of Armenia, Vol. IV: Between Crescent and Sickle: Partition and Sovietization  Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1996 496
13  "The Thousand and One Nights" in Arabic Literature and Society, co-editor, Twelfth Giorgio Levi Della Vida Conference Proceedings  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997 121
14  The Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times: Vol. I: The Dynastic Periods: From Antiquity to the Fourteenth Century  New York: St. Martin's Press, and London: Macmillan, 1997  372
15  The Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times: Vol. II: Foreign Domination to Statehood: The Fifteenth Century to the Twentieth Century  New York: St Martin's Press, and London: Macmillan, 1997 493
16  The Persian Presence in Islam, co-editor, Thirteenth Giogio Levi Della Vida Conference Proceedings  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998  236
17  Remembrance and Denial: The Case of the Armenian Genocide  Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1998 328
18  Enlightenment and Diaspora: The Armenian and Jewish Cases, co-editor  Atlanta: Scholars
Press, 1999  284
19  Religion and Culture in Medieval Islam  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999 119
20  Armenian Van/Vaspurakan Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2000  308
21  Armanestan dar Astaneye Gharn [Armenia at the Dawn of the Century]  Tehran: Housk, 2000 256
22  Armenian Baghesh/Bitlis and Taron/Mush  Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2001  235
23  Armenian Tsopk/Kharpert Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2002  469
24  Looking Backward, Moving Forward: Confronting the Armenian Genocide New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers 2003  301
25  Armenian Karin/Erzerum  Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2003  442
26  Armenian Sebastia/Sivas and Lesser Armenia  Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2004  487
  Published Articles   
  Title:  Publication:  Pages:
1 "The Armenian Communities of Southern and Eastern Asia," Armenian Review, XV  Autumn, 1962  15
2 "The Mesrob Mashdotz Matenadaran," Ararat, IV  Spring, 1963  5
3 "The Formation of the Armenian Republic," Armenian Review, XVII  Winter, 1964  20
4 "The Allies and Armenia, 1915-1918," Journal of Contemporary History, III  January, 1968 24
5 "Simon Vratzian and Armenian Nationalism," Middle East Studies, V  October, 1969  29
6 "The Teaching of Armenian in the United States," ARS Bulletin 1969  4
7 "The Status of Modern Armenian History," Ararat, XI  Spring, 1970  4
8 "Russian Armenia: A Century of Tsarist Rule," Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, XIX  March, 1971 18
9 "The Armeno-Azerbaijani Conflict Over Mountainous Karabagh," Armenian Review, XXIV  Summer, 1971  36
10  "The Armenian Occupation of Kars, 1919," in Recent Studies in Modern History  Cambridge, MA: Armenian Heritage Press, 1972  22
11  "The Armenian Question in the Ottoman Empire," East European Quarterly, V  March, 1972 26
12  "Armenia and the Caucasus in the Genesis of the Soviet-Turkish Entente," International Journal of Middle East Studies, IV  April, 1973 19
13  Introduction and Appendix in S.E. Kerr, The Lions of Marash  Albany: State University of New York Press, 1973  40
14  "Development of the Armenian Question in the Ottoman Empire," Etudes Arméniennes, I  1973  25
15  "The Ebb and Flow of the Armenian Minority in the Arab Middle East," Middle East Journal, XXVII  Winter, 1974  19
16  "Dimensions of Democracy and Authority in Caucasian Armenia," Russian Review, XXXIII. Translated to Armenian, Aztak Weekly  January, 1974, 1976 13
17  "The Deportations and Massacres of the Armenian Population of the Ottoman Empire, 1915-1922," Human Rights and Genocide, ed. by V.L. Parsegian  New York: Armenian Church Diocese, 1975 12
18  "Rewriting History: Beyond Revisionism in the Study of Armenian-Turkish Relations," Ararat, XIX  Summer, 1978  10
19  "The Armenian Question," International Journal of Middle East Studies, IX  August, 1979  9
20  "Hai-trkakan Kapere eghernen etk" Armeno-Turkish Relations After the Holocaust April, II  April, 1979 5
21  "The Ninth General Congress of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, 1919," Armenian Review, XXIV. Translated to Armenian, Aztak, Beirut.  Spring, 1981  16
22  "The Armenian Case: In Search of a Just Solution," Address to the World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh, 1982. Translated to Persian (Alik), Tehran, and Armenian (Aztak), Beirut.  Published in Jerusalem, 1982  15
23  "Armenian Oral History in the United States," Proceedings of the XIV International Historical Congress, Bucharest, 1980, Vol, IV  Bucharest, 1982 6
24  "Parliamentary Government as Modernization in the Republic of Armenia," Armenian Review, XXXI,  Spring, 1983  8
25  "Caucasian Armenia Between Imperial and Soviet Rule," in Transcaucasia: Nationalism and Social Change, ed. by R.G. Suny. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Slavic Studies,  1983. Published as "Arménie: l'intermede de l'indépendence nationale," Esprit, April, 1984  33, 23
26  "La Question Arménienne, 1878-1923," in Le Crime de Silence: Le Génocide des Arméniens, Preface by Pierre Vidal-Naquet. Also published as "The Historical Dimensions of the Armenian Question," in The Crime of Silence  Paris: Flammarion, 1984 / London: Zed Press, 1985 37
27  "Genocide and Denial: The Armenian Case," in Toward the Understanding and Prevention of Genocide, ed. by Israel W. Charny  Boulder and London: Westview Press, 1984 . Expanded version in Greek Athens, 1984 17, 48
28  "Hai Dasakan Aghbiurneri Targmanutiune Miatsial Nahangneru Medj" The Translation of Armenian Classical Sources in the United States), Istoriko-Filologicheskii Zhurnal, Akademiia Nauk Armianskoi SSR no. 1, 1987  10
29  "Scholarship and Politics," Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies, II  1985-86  17
30  "The Armenian Genocide," in Genocide: Issues, Approaches, Resources, special issue of Social Science Record, XXIV, 2 , 18-23. Fall, 1987  6
31  "Khorhrdaranakan Karavarutiune Ibrev Ardiatsum Hayastani Hanrapetutian Medj" (Legislative Government and Modernization in the Republic of Armenia), Droshak (Athens). Special issue on the 70th Anniversary of the Republic of Armenia, XIX, 2-3 , 41-47. May/June, 1988  6
32  "The Armenian Genocide: A Critical Bibliographic Review," in Israel Charny, ed., Genocide: A Critical Bibliographic Review  London, Mansell, 1988 Chapter 5 26
33  "Le Génocide Arménienne," in Arménie: 3000 ans d'histoire, ed. by R.H. Kevorkian and J.-P. Mahe , 323-334.  Marseilles: La Maison Arménienne de la Jeunesse et de la Culture, 1988 12
34  "La Premiere République Arménienne," in Arménie: 3000 ans d'histoire, ed. by R.H. Kevorkian and J.-P. Mahe  Marseilles: La Maison Arménienne de la Jeunesse et de la Culture, 1988 23
35  "The Armenian Genocide: Remembrance and Denial," Rider College Occasional Paper Series, Number 3  Lawrenceville, NJ: Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center, October, 1988  18
36  "Nationalist Ferment in Armenia," Freedom at Issue, no. 105  November/December, 1988 7
37  Model Curriculum For Human Rights and Genocide  Sacramento: California State Board of Education, 1988 8
38  "Armenian Memorial Day," Read More About It, Vol, III  Ann Arbor: The Pierian Press, 1989  3
39  "The Role of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation in the Republic of Armenia," Armenian Review, Vol. 44/2 Translated into Armenian in Horizon (Montreal, Canada), in Erkir (Erevan, Armenia) and Asbarez (Los Angeles, CA).  Summer, 1991  40
40  "Amerikanskaia Administratsiia Pomoshchi" American Relief Administration Armianskii Vopros Entsiklopediia  Erevan: Glavnaiia Redaktsiia Armianskoi Entsiklopedii, 1991 2
41  "Amerikanskii Komitet za Nezavisimost Armenii  American Committee for the Independence of Armenia)," Armianskii Vopros Entsiklopediia (Erevan: Glavnaiia Redaktsiia Armianskoi Entsiklopedii, 1991  1
42  "Mandat na Armeniiu 1920 Mandate for Armenia, 1920," Armianskii Vopros Entsiklopediia  Erevan: Glavnaiia Redaktsiia Armianskoi Entsiklopedii, 1991 1
43  "Sevrskii Mirnyi Dogovor, 1920 The Peace Treaty of Sèvres, 1920," Armianskii Vopros Entsiklopediia  Erevan: Glavnaiia Redaktsiia Armianskoi Entsiklopedii, 1991 2
44  "Soedinnye Staty Ameriki i Armianskii Vopros The United States of America and the Armenian Question," Armianskii Vopros Entsiklopediia  Erevan: Glavnaiia Redaktsiia Armianskoi Entsiklopedii, 1991 3
45  "Altruism in the Armenian Genocide of 1915," in Embracing One Another, ed. by Samuel and Pearl Oliner  New York: New York University Press, 1992 23
46  "The Armenian Diaspora and the Narrative of Power," in Diasporas in World Politics, ed. by Dimitri C. Constas and Athanassios G. Platias  London: Macmillan Press, 1993 20
47  "The Translation of Armenian Classical Historical Texts in the United States," To Ellinikon: Studies in Honor of Speros Vryonis, Jr.  New Rochelle, New York, 1994  26
48  "Historical Memory and Foreign Relations: The Armenian Perspective," in The Legacy of History in Russia and the New States of Eurasia  1994  39
49  "Etiology and Sequelae of the Armenian Genocide," in Genocide: Conceptual and Historical Dimensions, ed. by George J. Andreopoulos  Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994  32
50  "Mountainous Karabagh in 1920: An Unresolved Contest," Armenian Review, XLVI  1993, 1996  36
51  "Soedinennye Staty Ameriki i Armeniia: Mandat i Granitsy, 1920 g." The United States and Armenia: Mandate and Boundaries, 1920 (in Russian), Patma-banasirakan handes [Historical-Philological Journal] pt. 1, 1995, pt. 2, 1997  17, 16
52  "L'hydre à quartre tetes du négationnism: négation, rationalisation, relavisation, banalisation," in L'Actualité du Génocide des Arméniens  Paris: Edipol, 1999, pp. 143-176  33
53  "The Armenian Genocide as a Prototype," Remembering for the Future: The Holocaust in an Age of Genocide, John K. Roth and Elisabeth Maxwell, eds. in chief, and Margot Levy, ed.; editor, Margot Levy Houndmills, Basingstoke, UK, and New York: Palgrave, 2001 20
54  "Confronting the Armenian Genocide," in Pioneers of Genocide Studies, Samuel Totten and Steven L. Jacobs, eds.  New Brunswick, NJ and London: Transaction Publishers, 2002, pp. 27-46 20
55  "The Armenian Genocide and US Post-War Commissions," in Jay Winter, ed., America and the Armenian Genocide of 1915  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003 19
56  “Expulsion and Genocide: The Armenian Case,” in Dieter Bingen, Wlodzimierz Borodziej, and Stefan Troebst,” eds., Vertreibungen Europäisch Erinnern? Historische Erfahrungen.VergagenheitspolitikZukuftskonzeptionen  Wiesbaden: Hassassowitz, 2003 6
57  “The Role of the University Chairs,” and “Relations between Armenian Studies in the U.S. and Armenia,” both in Rethinking Armenian Studies: Past, Present, and Future.  Special Issue of Journal of Armenian Studies, 7:2, 2003 12
58  “Otritsanie genotsida armian kak prototip takogo podzhoda,” Vestnik Armianskogo Instituta Mezhdunarodnogo Prava i Politologii v Moskve, Moscow, 2004  18
Armenian Baghesh/Bitlis and Taron/Mush
Detailed Description
Edited by Richard G. Hovannisian Ричард Ованнисян
The second in the UCLA Conference Series of Armenian studies, titled Historic Armenian Cities and Provinces, this book contains essays dealing with the region of Baghesh/Bitlis and Taron/Mush
This beautiful, rugged land in the south-central sector of historic greater Armenia is known to have been one of the earliest centers of Armenian settlement. This region became part of the medieval principality of Turuberan and later the administrative districs of Bitlis and Mush.
235 pages, soft cover
ISBN 1568591365
Armenian Karin/Erzerum
Detailed Description
Edited by Richard G. Hovannisian Ричард Ованнисян
The fourth in the UCLA Conference Series of Armenian studies, titled Historic Armenian Cities and Provinces, this book contains essays dealing with the region of Karin/Erzerum
The fortress city of Karin, later called Erzerum, was at the strategic center of the region known as Upper Armenia and of the broarder area of Greater Armenia itself. The site of countless battles through the centuries, as people tried to gain control of this highland, this area is the key to dominating the entire Armenian Plateau.  
From the four gates of the once-walled city, roads radiated in all directions, taking merchants, travelers, and soldiers to and from Iran, the Caucasus, the Black Sea ports, and the interior neighboring cities and provinces. This to Armenians was called the Bosom of the World.
442 pages, soft cover
Armenian Van/Vaspurakan
Detailed Description
Edited by Richard G. Hovannisian Ричард Ованнисян
The area around Lake Van, at a crossroads between civilizations, is the cradle of Armenian civilization, and in this book 12 scholars from various disciplines present the story of Armenian Van from beginning to end.
The articles in this book were presented during a conference at University of California-Los Angeles titled Historic Armenian Cities and Provinces. Topics in this edition include the foundation of Van, the art and architecture of the area, relations between historical Van and other Armenian communities, and Van's experiences during the Armenian Genocide.
Includes a number of images and diagrams.
308 pages, soft cover
ISBN 1568591306
Ричард Ованнисян — профессор истории Армении и Ближнего Востока в Калифорнийском университете Лос-Анджелеса (UCLA).
Ученые степени бакалавра
и магистра получил
в Беркли, докторскую степень в 1966 году в UCLA. Председательствует в Академическом совете Армянского Национального института (Armenian National Institute),
входит в число основателей Общества Армянских исследований (Society
for Armenian Studies)
и трижды избирался
его президентом.
Видный член Армянской Ассамблеи Америки
(Armenian Assembly
of America) и других
общественных организаций армянской диаспоры США.
С 1978 по 1995 годы
был содиректором
Центра ближневосточных исследований фон Грюнбаума.
В 1987 году
Ричард Ованнисян стал первым руководителем кафедры современной армянской истории в UCLA, основанной Армянским образовательным фондом (Armenian Educational Foundation). Здесь изучают
не только историю Армении, но и армянский язык в его классическом, восточном
и западном вариантах, литературу, в том числе литературу армянской диаспоры США.
Почти на пятнадцати университетских факультетах США преподают курсы, связанные с арменистикой, шесть таких курсов ведут бывшие ученики
Ричарда Ованнисяна.
Перу Ричарда Ованнисяна принадлежат десятки научных статей, четырехтомное исследование "Республика Армения" с дополнительным, пятым томом: "Армения
на пути к независимости",
а также исследование "Армянский Холокост" (1980). Под его редакцией и при его участии вышли сборники "Образ армян в истории и литературе" (1981), "Геноцид армян в перспективе" (1986), "Геноцид армян: история, политика, этика" (1992), "Армянский народ
с древнейших времен
до наших дней" (1997), "Память и отрицание.
Случай геноцида армян" (1998), "Двигаться вперед, оглядываясь назад" (2004)
и др.
Ричард Ованнисян — член управляющих советов таких образовательных
и общественных организаций, как фонд "Лицом к истории
и себе" (Facing History and Ourselves Foundation) Международный институт холокоста и геноцида (International Institute
on the Holocaust and Genocide),
Международная бдительность (International Alert), Фонд исследований армянской архитектуры (Foundation
for Research on Armenian Architecture). Он состоит
в редколлегии периодических изданий "Армянское обозрение", "Арарат", "Обозрение прав человека", "Журнал Общества Армянских исследований", "Митк".
В 1990 году американский историк был избран членом Академии наук Армянской
ССР — первым среди зарубежных ученых в области общественных наук.
Ему присуждены почетные докторские степени
в Ереванском (1994)
и Арцахском (1997) государственных университетах. В 1984 году Киликийский католикос Гарегин II удостоил его медали Св. Месропа Маштоца,
в 1998 году по случаю 80-й годовщины провозглашения Первой Республики президент Армении вручил ему медаль Мовсеса Хоренаци.
В 2002 году президент НКР наградил его государственной наградой — медалью
Св. Месропа Маштоца.
За восемь лет Ричарду Ованнисяну удалось провести следующие конференции по историческим областям:
"Ван-Васпуракан" (май 1997), "Багеш-Битлис" (ноябрь 1997), "Харберд-Цопк" (май 1998), "Карин-Эрзрум" (ноябрь 1998), "Покр Хайк/Малая Армения и Себастия-Сивас" (май 1999), "Тигранакерт-Диарбекир
и Эдесса-Урфа" (ноябрь 1999), "Армянская Киликия" (октябрь 2000, под почетным председательством Католикоса Киликийского Арама I), "Армянский Константинополь" (май 2001), "Карс и Ани" (ноябрь 2001), "Армянские общины региона Причерноморья и Понта"
(май 2002), "Армянская община Смирны-Измира" (ноябрь 2002), "Армянские общины Цезареи/Кесарии" (май 2003), "Армянская
Нор-Джуга — 400 лет" (ноябрь 2003), "Армянские общины Ирана" (май 2004), "Армянский Иерусалим
и армяне на Святой Земле" (ноябрь 2004, под почетным председательством патриарха Иерусалимского архиепископа Торгома Манукяна).

Текущая версия на 21:31, 11 августа 2023

Дополните информацию о персоне
Ованнисян Ричард Гаспарович
Richard Hovhannisyan
10521 1.png
Другие имена: Оганесян Ричард Гаспарович,
Ованисян Ричард Гаспарович,
Оганнисян Ричард Гаспарович,
Оганнисян Тигран Гаспарович
На английском: Richard Hovhannisyan
На армянском: Ռիչարդ (Տիգրան) Գասպարի Հովհաննիսյան
Дата рождения: 10.11.1932
Место рождения: Тулари, Калифорния, США
Дата смерти: 11.07.2023
Краткая информация:
Профессор истории Армении и Ближнего Востока в Калифорнийском университете Лос-Анджелеса (UCLA)


С 1978 по 1995 годы был содиректором Центра ближневосточных исследований фон Грюнбаума.

В 1987 году Ричард Ованнисян стал первым руководителем кафедры современной армянской истории в UCLA, основанной Армянским образовательным фондом (Armenian Educational Foundation). Здесь изучают не только историю Армении, но и армянский язык в его классическом, восточном и западном вариантах, литературу, в том числе литературу армянской диаспоры США.

Почти на пятнадцати университетских факультетах США преподают курсы, связанные с арменистикой, шесть таких курсов ведут бывшие ученики Ричарда Ованнисяна.

Общественная деятельность

Председательствует в Академическом совете Армянского Национального института (Armenian National Institute), входит в число основателей Общества Армянских исследований (Society for Armenian Studies) и трижды избирался его президентом.

Видный член Армянской Ассамблеи Америки (Armenian Assembly of America) и других общественных организаций армянской диаспоры США.

Ричард Ованнисян — член управляющих советов таких образовательных и общественных организаций, как

  • фонд "Лицом к истории и себе" (Facing History and Ourselves Foundation)
  • Международный институт холокоста и геноцида (International Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide)
  • Международная бдительность (International Alert)
  • Фонд исследований армянской архитектуры (Foundation for Research on Armenian Architecture)

Председатель редколлегии журнала «Арминьен Ревю» член редколлегии ряда американских и армянских (англоязычных) журналов.

  • "Армянское обозрение"
  • "Арарат"
  • "Обозрение прав человека"
  • "Журнал Общества Армянских исследований"
  • "Митк".

Научные конференции

За восемь лет Ричарду Ованнисяну удалось провести конференции по следующим историческим областям:

  • "Ван-Васпуракан" (май 1997)
  • "Багеш-Битлис" (ноябрь 1997)
  • "Харберд-Цопк" (май 1998)
  • "Карин-Эрзрум" (ноябрь 1998)
  • "Покр Хайк/Малая Армения и Себастия-Сивас" (май 1999)
  • "Тигранакерт-Диарбекир и Эдесса-Урфа" (ноябрь 1999)
  • "Армянская Киликия" (октябрь 2000, под почетным председательством Католикоса Киликийского Арама I)
  • "Армянский Константинополь" (май 2001)
  • "Карс и Ани" (ноябрь 2001)
  • "Армянские общины региона Причерноморья и Понта" (май 2002)
  • "Армянская община Смирны-Измира" (ноябрь 2002)
  • "Армянские общины Цезареи/Кесарии" (май 2003)
  • "Армянская Нор-Джуга — 400 лет" (ноябрь 2003)
  • "Армянские общины Ирана" (май 2004)
  • "Армянский Иерусалим и армяне на Святой Земле" (ноябрь 2004, под почетным председательством патриарха Иерусалимского архиепископа Торгома Манукяна)


Перу Ричарда Ованнисяна принадлежат десятки научных статей, четырехтомное исследование "Республика Армения" с дополнительным, пятым томом: "Армения на пути к независимости", а также исследование "Армянский Холокост" (1980). Под его редакцией и при его участии вышли сборники "Образ армян в истории и литературе" (1981), "Геноцид армян в перспективе" (1986), "Геноцид армян: история, политика, этика" (1992), "Армянский народ с древнейших времен до наших дней" (1997), "Память и отрицание. Случай геноцида армян" (1998), "Двигаться вперед, оглядываясь назад" (2004)и др.


  • Armenia on the Road to Independence Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1967, 1969, 1974, 1984 364
  • The Republic of Armenia, Volume I: The First Year, 1918-1919 Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1971, 1974, 1984, 1996 547
  • The Armenian Holocaust Cambridge: Armenian Heritage Press, 1980 61
  • The Armenian Image in History and Literature Malibu: Undena Press, 1981 269
  • The Republic of Armenia, Volume II: From Versailles to London, 1919-1920 Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1982, 1996 603
  • Islam's Understanding of Itself, ed., Eighth Giorgio Levi Della Vida Conference Proceedings Malibu: Undena Press, 1983 149
  • Ethics of Islam, ed., Ninth Giorgio Levi Della Vida Conference Proceedings Malibu: Undena Press, 1985 127
  • The Armenian Genocide in Perspective New Brunswick: Transaction Press, Rutgers University, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1997 215
  • The Armenian Genocide: History, Politics, Ethics London: MacMillan Books, and New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992 362
  • Poetry and Mysticism in Islam: The Heritage of Rumi, co-editor, Eleventh Giorgio Levi Della Vida Conference Proceedings Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994 204
  • The Republic of Armenia, Vol. III: From London to Sèvres, February-August 1920 Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1996 531
  • The Republic of Armenia, Vol. IV: Between Crescent and Sickle: Partition and Sovietization Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1996 496
  • "The Thousand and One Nights" in Arabic Literature and Society, co-editor, Twelfth Giorgio Levi Della Vida Conference Proceedings Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997 121
  • The Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times: Vol. I: The Dynastic Periods: From Antiquity to the Fourteenth Century New York: St. Martin's Press, and London: Macmillan, 1997 372
  • The Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times: Vol. II: Foreign Domination to Statehood: The Fifteenth Century to the Twentieth Century New York: St Martin's Press, and London: Macmillan, 1997 493
  • The Persian Presence in Islam, co-editor, Thirteenth Giogio Levi Della Vida Conference Proceedings Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998 236
  • Remembrance and Denial: The Case of the Armenian Genocide Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1998 328
  • Enlightenment and Diaspora: The Armenian and Jewish Cases, co-editor Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1999 284
  • Religion and Culture in Medieval Islam Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999 119
  • Armenian Van/Vaspurakan Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2000 308
  • Armanestan dar Astaneye Gharn [Armenia at the Dawn of the Century] Tehran: Housk, 2000 256
  • Armenian Baghesh/Bitlis and Taron/Mush Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2001 235
  • Armenian Tsopk/Kharpert Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2002 469
  • Looking Backward, Moving Forward: Confronting the Armenian Genocide New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers 2003 301
  • Armenian Karin/Erzerum Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2003 442
  • Armenian Sebastia/Sivas and Lesser Armenia Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 2004 487


  • "The Armenian Communities of Southern and Eastern Asia," Armenian Review, XV Autumn, 1962 15
  • "The Mesrob Mashdotz Matenadaran," Ararat, IV Spring, 1963 5
  • "The Formation of the Armenian Republic," Armenian Review, XVII Winter, 1964 20
  • "The Allies and Armenia, 1915-1918," Journal of Contemporary History, III January, 1968 24
  • "Simon Vratzian and Armenian Nationalism," Middle East Studies, V October, 1969 29
  • "The Teaching of Armenian in the United States," ARS Bulletin 1969 4
  • "The Status of Modern Armenian History," Ararat, XI Spring, 1970 4
  • "Russian Armenia: A Century of Tsarist Rule," Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, XIX March, 1971 18
  • "The Armeno-Azerbaijani Conflict Over Mountainous Karabagh," Armenian Review, XXIV Summer, 1971 36
  • "The Armenian Occupation of Kars, 1919," in Recent Studies in Modern History Cambridge, MA: Armenian Heritage Press, 1972 22
  • "The Armenian Question in the Ottoman Empire," East European Quarterly, V March, 1972 26
  • "Armenia and the Caucasus in the Genesis of the Soviet-Turkish Entente," International Journal of Middle East Studies, IV April, 1973 19
  • Introduction and Appendix in S.E. Kerr, The Lions of Marash Albany: State University of New York Press, 1973 40
  • "Development of the Armenian Question in the Ottoman Empire," Etudes Arméniennes, I 1973 25
  • "The Ebb and Flow of the Armenian Minority in the Arab Middle East," Middle East Journal, XXVII Winter, 1974 19
  • "Dimensions of Democracy and Authority in Caucasian Armenia," Russian Review, XXXIII. Translated to Armenian, Aztak Weekly January, 1974, 1976 13
  • "The Deportations and Massacres of the Armenian Population of the Ottoman Empire, 1915-1922," Human Rights and Genocide, ed. by V.L. Parsegian New York: Armenian Church Diocese, 1975 12
  • "Rewriting History: Beyond Revisionism in the Study of Armenian-Turkish Relations," Ararat, XIX Summer, 1978 10
  • "The Armenian Question," International Journal of Middle East Studies, IX August, 1979 9
  • "Hai-trkakan Kapere eghernen etk" Armeno-Turkish Relations After the Holocaust April, II April, 1979 5
  • "The Ninth General Congress of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, 1919," Armenian Review, XXIV. Translated to Armenian, Aztak, Beirut. Spring, 1981 16
  • "The Armenian Case: In Search of a Just Solution," Address to the World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh, 1982. Translated to Persian (Alik), Tehran, and Armenian (Aztak), Beirut. Published in Jerusalem, 1982 15
  • "Armenian Oral History in the United States," Proceedings of the XIV International Historical Congress, Bucharest, 1980, Vol, IV Bucharest, 1982 6
  • "Parliamentary Government as Modernization in the Republic of Armenia," Armenian Review, XXXI, Spring, 1983 8
  • "Caucasian Armenia Between Imperial and Soviet Rule," in Transcaucasia: Nationalism and Social Change, ed. by R.G. Suny. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Slavic Studies, 1983. Published as "Arménie: l'intermede de l'indépendence nationale," Esprit, April, 1984 33, 23
  • "La Question Arménienne, 1878-1923," in Le Crime de Silence: Le Génocide des Arméniens, Preface by Pierre Vidal-Naquet. Also published as "The Historical Dimensions of the Armenian Question," in The Crime of Silence Paris: Flammarion, 1984 / London: Zed Press, 1985 37
  • "Genocide and Denial: The Armenian Case," in Toward the Understanding and Prevention of Genocide, ed. by Israel W. Charny Boulder and London: Westview Press, 1984 . Expanded version in Greek Athens, 1984 17, 48
  • "Hai Dasakan Aghbiurneri Targmanutiune Miatsial Nahangneru Medj" The Translation of Armenian Classical Sources in the United States), Istoriko-Filologicheskii Zhurnal, Akademiia Nauk Armianskoi SSR no. 1, 1987 10
  • "Scholarship and Politics," Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies, II 1985-86 17
  • "The Armenian Genocide," in Genocide: Issues, Approaches, Resources, special issue of Social Science Record, XXIV, 2 , 18-23. Fall, 1987 6
  • "Khorhrdaranakan Karavarutiune Ibrev Ardiatsum Hayastani Hanrapetutian Medj" (Legislative Government and Modernization in the Republic of Armenia), Droshak (Athens). Special issue on the 70th Anniversary of the Republic of Armenia, XIX, 2-3 , 41-47. May/June, 1988 6
  • "The Armenian Genocide: A Critical Bibliographic Review," in Israel Charny, ed., Genocide: A Critical Bibliographic Review London, Mansell, 1988 Chapter 5 26
  • "Le Génocide Arménienne," in Arménie: 3000 ans d'histoire, ed. by R.H. Kevorkian and J.-P. Mahe , 323-334. Marseilles: La Maison Arménienne de la Jeunesse et de la Culture, 1988 12
  • "La Premiere République Arménienne," in Arménie: 3000 ans d'histoire, ed. by R.H. Kevorkian and J.-P. Mahe Marseilles: La Maison Arménienne de la Jeunesse et de la Culture, 1988 23
  • "The Armenian Genocide: Remembrance and Denial," Rider College Occasional Paper Series, Number 3 Lawrenceville, NJ: Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center, October, 1988 18
  • "Nationalist Ferment in Armenia," Freedom at Issue, no. 105 November/December, 1988 7
  • Model Curriculum For Human Rights and Genocide Sacramento: California State Board of Education, 1988 8
  • "Armenian Memorial Day," Read More About It, Vol, III Ann Arbor: The Pierian Press, 1989 3
  • "The Role of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation in the Republic of Armenia," Armenian Review, Vol. 44/2 Translated into Armenian in Horizon (Montreal, Canada), in Erkir (Erevan, Armenia) and Asbarez (Los Angeles, CA). Summer, 1991 40
  • "Amerikanskaia Administratsiia Pomoshchi" American Relief Administration Armianskii Vopros Entsiklopediia Erevan: Glavnaiia Redaktsiia Armianskoi Entsiklopedii, 1991 2
  • "Amerikanskii Komitet za Nezavisimost Armenii American Committee for the Independence of Armenia)," Armianskii Vopros Entsiklopediia (Erevan: Glavnaiia Redaktsiia Armianskoi Entsiklopedii, 1991 1
  • "Mandat na Armeniiu 1920 Mandate for Armenia, 1920," Armianskii Vopros Entsiklopediia Erevan: Glavnaiia Redaktsiia Armianskoi Entsiklopedii, 1991 1
  • "Sevrskii Mirnyi Dogovor, 1920 The Peace Treaty of Sèvres, 1920," Armianskii Vopros Entsiklopediia Erevan: Glavnaiia Redaktsiia Armianskoi Entsiklopedii, 1991 2
  • "Soedinnye Staty Ameriki i Armianskii Vopros The United States of America and the Armenian Question," Armianskii Vopros Entsiklopediia Erevan: Glavnaiia Redaktsiia Armianskoi Entsiklopedii, 1991 3
  • "Altruism in the Armenian Genocide of 1915," in Embracing One Another, ed. by Samuel and Pearl Oliner New York: New York University Press, 1992 23
  • "The Armenian Diaspora and the Narrative of Power," in Diasporas in World Politics, ed. by Dimitri C. Constas and Athanassios G. Platias London: Macmillan Press, 1993 20
  • "The Translation of Armenian Classical Historical Texts in the United States," To Ellinikon: Studies in Honor of Speros Vryonis, Jr. New Rochelle, New York, 1994 26
  • "Historical Memory and Foreign Relations: The Armenian Perspective," in The Legacy of History in Russia and the New States of Eurasia 1994 39
  • "Etiology and Sequelae of the Armenian Genocide," in Genocide: Conceptual and Historical Dimensions, ed. by George J. Andreopoulos Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994 32
  • "Mountainous Karabagh in 1920: An Unresolved Contest," Armenian Review, XLVI 1993, 1996 36
  • "Soedinennye Staty Ameriki i Armeniia: Mandat i Granitsy, 1920 g." The United States and Armenia: Mandate and Boundaries, 1920 (in Russian), Patma-banasirakan handes [Historical-Philological Journal] pt. 1, 1995, pt. 2, 1997 17, 16
  • "L'hydre à quartre tetes du négationnism: négation, rationalisation, relavisation, banalisation," in L'Actualité du Génocide des Arméniens Paris: Edipol, 1999, pp. 143-176 33
  • "The Armenian Genocide as a Prototype," Remembering for the Future: The Holocaust in an Age of Genocide, John K. Roth and Elisabeth Maxwell, eds. in chief, and Margot Levy, ed.; editor, Margot Levy Houndmills, Basingstoke, UK, and New York: Palgrave, 2001 20
  • "Confronting the Armenian Genocide," in Pioneers of Genocide Studies, Samuel Totten and Steven L. Jacobs, eds. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Transaction Publishers, 2002, pp. 27-46 20
  • "The Armenian Genocide and US Post-War Commissions," in Jay Winter, ed., America and the Armenian Genocide of 1915 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003 19
  • “Expulsion and Genocide: The Armenian Case,” in Dieter Bingen, Wlodzimierz Borodziej, and Stefan Troebst,” eds., Vertreibungen Europäisch Erinnern? Historische Erfahrungen.VergagenheitspolitikZukuftskonzeptionen Wiesbaden: Hassassowitz, 2003 6
  • “The Role of the University Chairs,” and “Relations between Armenian Studies in the U.S. and Armenia,” both in Rethinking Armenian Studies: Past, Present, and Future. Special Issue of Journal of Armenian Studies, 7:2, 2003 12
  • “Otritsanie genotsida armian kak prototip takogo podzhoda,” Vestnik Armianskogo Instituta Mezhdunarodnogo Prava i Politologii v Moskve, Moscow, 2004 18


  • доктор философии (1965)
  • профессор истории Армении и Ближнего Востока в Калифорнийском университете Лос-Анджелеса (UCLA)
  • почетный иностранный член АН Арм. ССР (1990, первый среди зарубежных ученых в области общественных наук)
  • почетный доктор Ереванского унивеситета (1994)
  • почетный доктор Арцахского унивеситета (1997)


  • медаль Св. Месропа Маштоца (1984, по представлению Киликийского католикоса Гарегина II)
  • медаль Св. Мовсеса Хоренаци (1998, по случаю 80-й годовщины провозглашения Первой Республики)
  • медаль Св. Месропа Маштоца (2002, по представлению президента НКР)


