Армянская Молодёжная Федерация (Глендейл, США)

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Армянская Молодёжная Федерация (Глендейл, США)
Armenian youth federation (Glendale)
Адрес: Н. Белмонт, 104, Санкт-Люкс, 206, Глендейл, Калифорния, 91206, США
Телефон/Факс: 818.507.1933; Факс: 818.240.3442
Эл. почта: ayf@ayfwest.org
Ссылки: http://www.ayf.org/ http://www.ayfwest.org/Armenia_Armenian/AYF_information/our_goal.html

Цели и задачи АМФ

Великобритания Текст на английском языке



Великобритания Текст на английском языке

Ранние годы

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Во время Второй мировой войны

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После Второй мировой войны

Великобритания Текст на английском языке


Великобритания Текст на английском языке

1970-е и 80-е

By the early 1970's, the AYF had become even more dynamic and continued to grow. Some of the larger Junior and Senior chapters held over 100 members.

In earlier years five regional structures (New England, Mid-Atlantic, Mid-West, California and Canada) had been created to address the problems brought on by the organization's vast expanse. By the 1970's however, the obstacles of geography had become overwhelming. The 1973-74 fiscal year saw the split of the AYF into three separate administrative entities: Western U.S., Eastern U.S., and Canada. Although mainly due to the separation of the parent organization's structures, the split also resulted from tensions caused by the difficulties and inefficiencies of operating long-distance.

In 1970 the Armenian Youth Federation Camp was established. For the first couple of years, the AYF rented different locations suitable for summer camp. The AYF Camp Committee decided to acquire its own place in the San Gabriel Mountains. The YMCA Camp Big Pines site happened to be available and very much suitable to the needs of the Armenian Youth Federation, because it was close to the Los Angeles area, and easily assessable to the San Joaquin Valley. In early 1978, the late Unger, Khatchig Khatchigian, and the ARF advisor to the AYF Musa Dagh Chapter of Los Angeles conducted negotiations for a ninety-year lease. The camp was purchased for $80,000.

In 1978 Vicken Hovsepian created the AYF Western Regions official publication, Haytoug. It was published because of the lack of a forum in which Armenian youth could write about controversial issues such as the Armed Struggle and other aspects of Armenian and world politics. The articles that were written for Haytoug encouraged AYF members to be more politically active. It is during this time that the Armenian armed struggle began, which was highlighted by the Lisbon Five takeover of the Turkish Embassy in Portugal in 1983.

During the early eighties the AYF had largely become a political organization that coordinated events such as hunger strikes and demonstrations to protest against the denial of the Armenian Genocide of 1915 by the Turkish Government and the rest of the world.

In 1982 Hampig Sassounian, a 19-year old AYF member from the Pasadena "Nigol Touman" Chapter, was falsely arrested for the murder of the Los Angeles Turkish Consulate. Sassounian was convicted even though the prosecution could not provide evidence, which proved he was guilty. The case of Hampig Sassounian caused the community to unite for one goal that represented the Armenians and their centuries old struggle for the establishment of a free, independent, and united Armenia. Other similar cases that involved the AYF members followed, such as the LA Five, which continued to cause more interest in the Armenian Youth.


In the late 1980's and the early 1990's the AYF found a new challenge: Karabagh. In 1988 the struggle for independence in the Karabagh region started. AYF became involved in ffund raisingactivities to supply much-needed funds to the people in Karabagh. Many AYF members throughout the world even fought for the Armenian land. Even after the independence of Nagorno-Karabagh in 1991 and the cease-fire in 1993, the AYF continued to help Karabagh. In 1994 the AYF Western Region decided to create a program, called the AYF Youth Corps, that sent about ten youths that year and continues to send up to 15 each summer. The mission of the Youth Corps is to help rebuild schools, camps, churches, etc. in the various regions of Nagorno-Karabagh.

Nowadays the AYF continues its faithful mission of promoting cultural awareness, stimulating political activity, and providing education to its respective regions. The future of the AYF and its surrounding Armenian communities will be bright and glorious, but only with the support and involvement of the entire Armenian community.