Андреасян Вазген
Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Андреасян Вазген | |
Andreassian Vazken | |
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На английском: | Andreassian Vazken |
На армянском: | Վազգէն Անդրէասեան |
Краткая информация: Инженер-агроном, гидролог, писатель |
1990 - инженер-агроном, INA-PG.
1992 - степень магистра университет Аризоны.
1992 - инженер в ENGREF.
2002 - доктор гидрологии, Университета Пьера и Мари Кюри (Париж).
- Andréassian, V. , V. Sarkissian, W. Chełmicki, V.Al. Stănescu and R. Moussa, 2005. Dictionary of hydrological engineering: English, French, Armenian, Russian, Polish, Romanian, Arabic. Cemagref éditions, Antony. http://www.cemagref.fr/Informations/Produits/Lexique_hydro/index.html
- Lavabre, J. and V. Andréassian, 2000. Eaux et forêts. La forêt : un outil de gestion des eaux ? Cemagref, Antony. Sarkissian, V. and V. Andréassian. 1995. Lexique des sciences hydrologiques : Anglais-Français-Arménien-Russe. Erevan
- Andréassian, V. et J. Lerat, 2007. Le surprenant cycle de l'eau. Editions le Pommier, 59 p.
- Andréassian, V. et J. Margat, 2005. Allons-nous manquer d'eau ? Editions le Pommier, 59 p.
- Andréassian, V. , 2005. Pourquoi les rivières débordent-elles ? Editions le Pommier, 63 p.
Статьи и публикации
- Oudin, L., V. Andréassian , C. Perrin, C. Michel and N. Le Moine. 2007. Spatial proximity, physical similarity and ungaged catchments: a comparison based on 913 French catchments. Water Resources Research
- Payan J.-L., C. Perrin, C. Michel and V. Andréassian . 2007. Can we account for man-made reservoirs in a lumped rainfall-runoff model? Water Resources Research
- Andréassian, V. , C. Loumagne, T. Mathevet, C. Michel, L. Oudin, C. Perrin. 2007. What is really undermining hydrologic science today? Hydrological Processes, 21:2819-2822
- Le Moine, N., Andréassian, V. , Perrin, C., and Michel, C., 2007. How can rainfall-runoff models handle intercatchment groundwater flows? Theoretical study over 1040 French catchments. Water Resources Research, 43, W06428, doi:10.1029/2006WR005608
- Perrin, C., Oudin, L., Andréassian, V. , Rojas-Serna, C., Michel, C. and Mathevet, T., 2007. Impact of limited streamflow knowledge on the efficiency and the parameters of rainfall-runoff models. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 52(1): 131-151.
- Anctil, F., Lauzon, N., Andréassian, V. , Oudin, L. and Perrin, C., 2006. Improvement of rainfall-runoff forecasts through mean areal rainfall optimization. Journal of Hydrology, 328(3-4): 717-725
- Mouelhi, S., Michel, C., Perrin, C. and Andréassian, V. , 2006. Linking stream flow to rainfall at the annual time step: the Manabe bucket model revisited. Journal of Hydrology, 328(1-2): 283-296
- Perrin, C., Dilks, C., Bärlund, I., Payan, JL and Andréassian, V. , 2006. Use of simple rainfall-runoff models as a baseline for the benchmarking of the hydrological component of complex catchment models. Large Rivers (Archiv für Hydrobiologie Suppl.), 17(1-2): 75-96
- Perrin, C., Andréassian, V. and Michel, C., 2006. Simple benchmark models as a basis for criteria of model efficiency. Large Rivers (Archiv für Hydrobiologie Suppl.), 17(1-2): 221-244
- Oudin, L., Andréassian, V. , Mathevet, T., Perrin, C., and Michel, C., 2006. Dynamic averaging of rainfall-runoff model simulations from complementary model parameterizations. Water Resources Research, 42(7), W07410, doi:10.1029/2005WR004636
- Oudin, L., Perrin, C., Mathevet, T., Andréassian, V. and Michel, C., 2006. Impact of biased and randomly corrupted inputs on the efficiency and the parameters of watershed models. Journal of Hydrology, 320:62-83
- Duan, Q., Schaake, J., Andréassian, V. , Franks, S., Goteti, G., Gupta, HV, Gusev, YM, Habets, F., Hall, A., Hay, L., Hogue, T., Huang, M., Leavesley, G., Liang, X., Nasonova, ON, Noilhan, J., Oudin, L., Sorooshian, S., Wagener, T. and Wood, EF, 2006. Model Parameter Estimation Experiment (MOPEX): an overview of science strategy and major results from the second and third workshops. Journal of Hydrology, 320:3-17
- Mouelhi, S., C. Michel, C. Perrin, and V. Andréassian, 2006. Stepwise development of a two-parameter monthly water balance model. Journal of Hydrology, 318: 200-214
- Oudin, L., C. Michel, V. Andréassian, F. Anctil, and C. Loumagne, 2005. Should Bouchet's hypothesis be taken into account for estimating evapotranspiration in rainfall-runoff modeling? An assessment over 308 catchments. Hydrological Processes, 19: 4093-4106
- Moulin, L., Perrin, C., Michel, C. and Andréassian, V. , 2005. Prise en compte de barrages-réservoirs dans un modèle pluie-débit global : application au cas du bassin de la Seine amont. La Houille Blanche(5): 79-87
- Oudin, L., F. Hervieu, C. Michel, C. Perrin, V. Andréassian, F. Anctil, and C. Loumagne, 2005. Which potential evapotranspiration input for a lumped rainfall-runoff model? - Part 2 - Towards a simple and efficient potential evapotranspiration model for rainfall-runoff modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 303(1-4): 290-306
- Michel, C., V. Andréassian, and C. Perrin, 2005. The SCS-Curve Number method: How to mend a wrong soil-moisture accounting procedure? Water Resources Research, 41(2): doi:10.1029/2004WR003191
- Oudin, L., V. Andréassian, C. Perrin, and F. Anctil, 2005. Locating the sources of low-pass behaviour within rainfall-runoff models. Water Resources Research, 40(11): doi:10.1029/2004WR003291
- Cosandey, C., V. Andréassian, C. Martin, J.-F. Didon-Lescot, J. Lavabre, N. Folton, N. Mathys, and D. Richard, 2005. The hydrological impact of the Mediterranean forest: a review of French research. Journal of Hydrology, 301(1-4): 235-249
- Andréassian, V. , A. Oddos, C. Michel, F. Anctil, C. Perrin, and C. Loumagne, 2004. Impact of spatial aggregation of inputs and parameters on the efficiency of rainfall-runoff models: a theoretical study using chimera watersheds. Water Resources Research, 40(5): W05209, doi: 10.1029/2003WR002854
- Andréassian, V. , 2004. Waters and Forests: from historical controversy to scientific debate. Journal of Hydrology, 291(1-2): 1-27
- Andréassian, V. , 2004. Couvert forestier et comportement hydrologique des bassins versants. La Houille Blanche, n°2: 31-35
- Anctil, F., C. Perrin, and V. Andréassian, 2004. Impact of the length of observed records on the performance of ANN and of conceptual parsimonious rainfall-runoff forecasting models. Environmental Modelling and Software, 19(4): 357-368
- Andréassian, V. , C. Perrin, and C. Michel, 2004. Impact of imperfect potential evapotranspiration knowledge on the efficiency and parameters of watershed models. Journal of Hydrology, 286: 19-35
- Anctil, F., C. Michel, C. Perrin, and V. Andréassian, 2004. A soil moisture index as an auxiliary ANN input for stream flow forecasting. Journal of Hydrology, 286: 155-167
- Anctil, F., C. Perrin, and V. Andréassian , 2003. ANN output updating of lumped conceptual rainfall-runoff forecasting models. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 39(5): 1269-1280
- Andréassian, V. , E. Parent, and C. Michel, 2003. A distribution-free test to detect gradual changes in watershed behavior. Water Resources Research, 39(9): 1252, doi:10.1029/2003WR002081
- Perrin, C., C. Michel, and V. Andréassian , 2003. Improvement of a parsimonious model for streamflow simulation. Journal of Hydrology, 279: 275-289
- Wasson, J.-G., M.-H. Tusseau-Vuillemin, V. Andréassian , C. Perrin, J.-B. Faure, O. Barreteau, M. Bousquet, and B. Chastan, 2003. What kind of water models are needed for the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive? Examples from France. International Journal of River Basin Management, 1(2): 1-11
- Michel, C., C. Perrin, and V. Andréassian, 2003. The exponential store: a correct formulation for rainfall–runoff modelling. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 48(1): 109-124
- Lavabre, J., V. Andréassian, and O. Laroussinie, 2002. Les eaux et les forêts. La forêt : un outil de gestion des eaux? La Houille Blanche, n°3: 72-77
- Andréassian, V. , C. Perrin, C. Michel, I. Usart-Sanchez and J. Lavabre, 2001. Impact of Imperfect Rainfall Knowledge on the Efficiency and the Parameters of Watershed Models. Journal of Hydrology, 250 (1-4): 206-223.
- Perrin, C., C. Michel and V. Andréassian, 2001. Does a large number of parameters enhance model performance? Comparative assessment of common catchment model structures on 429 catchments. Journal of Hydrology, 242 (3-4): 275-301
- Meybeck, M., Z. Idlafkih, N. Fauchon and V. Andréassian. 1999. Spatial and temporal variability of Total Suspended Solids in the Seine basin. Hydrobiologia, 410: 295-306
- Meybeck, M., M. Akopian and V. Andréassian, 1998. Le lac Sévan : une catastrophe annoncée. La Recherche, 310: 34-36.
- Andréassian, V. , 2005 Three riddles in hydrological modelling. Habilitation Thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 154 pp.
- Andréassian, V. , 2002. Impact de l'évolution du couvert forestier sur le comportement hydrologique des bassins versants. Ph.D. Thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 781 pp.
- Andréassian, V. 1992. Comparative Hydrology of Mediterranean shrublands. MS Thesis. University of Arizona, Tucson. 139 p.
- Доктор географических наук (по гидрологии, 2002)
Членство в академиях и научных обществах
- Член Французского Национальногой комитета по Гидрологии (CNFSH)
- Член Международной ассоциации гидрологических наук (международная научная гидрологическая ассоциация)
- Член Американского геофизического союза (AGU)
- «Гидрологический словарь для инженеров. Английский, французский, армянский, русский, польский, румынский, арабский» изд-во cemagref, 2005, ISBN 2853626482
- Vazken Andréassian
- vazken.andreassian @ cemagref.fr