Армянская церковь Святых Иоакима и Анны (Палос Хайтс)

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Армянская церковь Святых Иоакима и Анны(Плоскогорье Палоса)
Sts. Joachim and Anne Armenian Church (Палос-Хайтс)
C8273 2.png
Дата основания: 30.11.1958
Основатель: Преп. Тавит Бояджян
Состояние: Действующая церковь
Адрес: просп. Южной Риджленд, 12600, Палос Хайтс, Иллинойс, 60463, США
Телефон/Факс: (708) 388-4940; Факс: (708) 388-2767
Эл. почта: joachimandanne@aol.com
Ссылки: http://www.armenianchurch.net/parishes/info.php?parishid=17 http://saintsjoachimandanne.net/



Metro Area: Chicago, IL

Established: November 30, 1958 Consecrated: November 27, 1983

Sanctuary: The parish owns its permanent sanctuary, which is not the original one. The previous site was in West Pullman, IL, 1958-74.

Important Events: The parish has hosted the ACYOA Assembly and the Diocesan Assembly.

Honoring a priestly decade in Palos Heights


Armenians in general area: 800

Estimated number of members: 400

Dues-paid members: 111

Average number of sacraments: Baptisms: 9 Weddings: 3 Funerals: 6

(Figures from 2001)


  • Visiting Pastors, 1958-84;
  • Rev. Fr. Krikor Hairabedian, 1985-88;
  • Rev. Fr. Diran Papazian, 1988-94;
  • Rev. Fr. Tavit Boyajian, 1995-Present

Приходской Совет

  • Paul Mardoian, Chairman
  • Dr. Kevin Bargamian, Vice Chairman
  • Sona Diorio, Secretary
  • David Galovich, Treasurer
  • Council Members: Edward Boghosian, Robert Kochkarian, Mike Nigohosian, Martin Randall, Lorene Skinner
  • Delegate: Sarkis Boyajian

Церковно-приходские школы

  • Воскресная школа: 29 учеников

Публикации Церкви

  • Ани, информационный бюллетень раз в два месяца

Приходские организации

  • Women's Guild founded in 1958, 32 members;
  • ACYOA Seniors founded in 1997, 7 members;
  • ACYOA Juniors founded in 1997, 8 members;
  • Choir, 14 members;
  • Junior Choir, 4 members

The Armenian Apostolic Church is golden. It shines with the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It was God’s will that the Armenian people come to know Him; and so God sent his apostles, Thaddeus and Bartholomew as the first enlighteners to Armenia. Later he sent St. Gregory who converted king Dertad. In 301 ad King Dertad declared Armenia to be the first Christian nation.

As Armenians we have a rich spiritual history. A history that it ours to learn and share. For tradition is, at its core, that which is received and passed on. It is my prayer that this website will serve to help you better understand the Holy Tradition of the Armenian Apostolic Church; and that being enriched by this understanding you might carry the light of Christ to others.

You will notice this website contains a tutorial on the Divine Liturgy (Badarak), as well as a number of informative articles about our faith. This website will list upcoming events at Sts. Joachim and Anne, and other Armenian events in the greater Chicagoland area.

May bless and keep you filled with the joy that it ours in Jesus Christ, to whom together with His Father and Holy Spirit is befitting glory, dominion and honor now and forever and unto the ages of ages.


Fr. Tavit Boyajian St. Joachim and Anne Armenian Church 12600 South Ridgeland Avenue Palos Heights IL 60463 United States Tel: (708) 388-4940 Fax: (708) 388-2767
