Бабаян Зиза Асатуровна/Сочинения (выборочно)
Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
- Z.A. Babayan. "Methodological provisions of granite slab sawing", release bulletin; Yerevan, Armenia 1985, № 0607
- Z.A. Babayan "Refinement of faced slab from natural stones with the help of equipments' tight alignment". Yerevan, Armenia, 1986, № 6726
- A. Babayan "Methodological provisions of quality for granite slab and wall stone", M., 1987, series 7, II edition.
- Z.A. Babayan "Activated sludge unit for wall stones", Certificate of authorship USSR, № 1384393, 1987.
- Z.A. Babayan "Convoy for grinding decorative stone blocks". Certificate of authorship USSR, № 1366331, 15.09.1987.
- Z.A. Babayan "Results of size control of granite, basalt, marble slabs". Stone and Silicate Institution's work, 1985, pages; 120-136.
- Z.A. Babayan " Results of size chief instrumentation decorative blocks and tuff wall stones at companies Z.A. Babayan "Instrumentation realization methods during tooling of stone sawing machine. Yerevan, Armenia, 1988, № 6711.
- Z.A. Babayan "Tuff decorative blocks' defects after sawing with diamond disk and its elimination methods". Yerevan, Armenia, 1988, № 6, p.8.
- Z.A. Babayan "Measurement instrumentation examination influences on the rejected-materialin the production of building materials". Yerevan, Stone and Silicate Institution's work, 1988, p.96-98.
- Z.A. Babayan, M.S. Agakova "Conditions of tooling diamond cutoff saw in a production of tuff block. Stone and Silicate Institution's work, 1986, p.97-98.
- Ter-Azarev I.A., Babayan Z.A. СОЖ application for improvement of bulding materials quality. Natinal Academy of Science of Republic Armenia. National foundation of Science and Advanced Technologies. Chemical Science at the threshold of XXI centuary. Transaction of Abstracts. 18-20.05.2000, Yeravan, p.197. (Rus.)
- Babayan Z.A. Aoutomated production line for the polishing of fasing slabs using НИИКС БМ-3 lustremeter. Procedeengs of National Academy of Pepublic of Armenia and State Engineering University of Pepublic Armenia -Technical Science, vol. LM, N1, Yerevan, 1999, p. 131-133. (Rus.)
- Babayan Z.A. Measurement accuracy of the lustremeterupon its moving above the slab. Proc. of Nati.Acad. of Pepublic of Armenia and State Engin.Uni. of Pepublic Armenia -Tech. Sc., vol. XLIX, N2, Yerevan, 1995, p. 121-128 (Rus.)
- Babayan Z.A. Production line for the polishing of fasing stone slabs. Auth. Cert. N 1366331, 15.09.87. (Rus.)
- Babayan Z.A. Methods and means of polishing quality automatic control of facing slab surfaces and the studying of their accuracy. Architecture, Municipal Engineering, Construction: Joint Transaction of Sc.-Tech. Art. of Teach. Staff, Post-grad. And Sc., Yeravan, Yer. Ac. of Buld. En., 1997, p.109-111.
- Babayan Z.A. Aoutomated production line for the polishing of fasing slabs using НИИКС БМ-3 lustremeter. Transp. and RoadrBuld. Machines . Join Transaction of Sc.-Tech. Art. of Teach. Staff, Post-grad., Mag., And Sc., Lll, N1, ASEA, Yerevan, 1998, p 65-68. (Rus.)
- Babayan Z.A. Aoutomated facilities for measuring the brighteness upon moving of the production line. Transp. and Road-Buld. Machines. Join Transaction of Sc.-Tech. Art. of Teach. Staff, Post¬grad., Iviag. Ana Sc., ASEA, Yerevan, 1998, p 65-68. (Rus).
- Babayan Z.A., Haroutounyan K.A. Sample estimation of slab's surface polishing quality in production set. Association of Natural Stone Experts. Natural Stones of Armenia. Abstracts of Con. Reports, November 7-8, Yerevan. 2000, p. 64-67(Rus.)
- Ter-Azarev I. A., Babayan Z. A. About polishing of facing slabs in the sampling. Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia. Annual Scien. Conf. of SEU of Armenia. Vol. 1, Yerevan 2000, p.265-266.(Rus.)
- Babayan Z.A. Estimation of slab's surface polishing quality in production set on the basis of lustre measurement results in the sampling. Armenian Assosiation of Computer and Information Systems. Arm. St. En. Ac.(ASEA), Information Technologies and managments", Noyan Tapan" , Yerevan 1999, p. 106-108.(Rus.)
- Ter-Azarev I. A., Babayan Z.A., Haroutounyan K.A., Eliazyan L, Edoyan W,G.. Development of the technique and means for estimation of relation between the physical-technical properties of stone material and lustre index of the polished surface. Reports' Transaction of the International semina1" on "Conversion potential of Armenia and ISTC programs", part II, Yerevan 2000, p. 245.
- Babayan Z.A. Haroutounyan K.A. Ter-Azarev I. A., Eliazyan L. Development of the technique and means for estimation of relation between the separated groups of stone material and lustre index of the polished surface. ISTC Abstracts of reports October 2-7, 2000, p. 165.
- Babayan Z.A. Techniques of improvement in quality of the facing slabs made from natural stone with the development of the methods and means of control. Tech. Univer. Georgia, Diss. Cand Tech. Sci., Tbilisi, 1990, p.47-84.
- Babayan Z.A., About the possibility of creating the mathematical model for supporting the necessary index of the quality of building materials. Arsmenian Association of Computer and Information Systems, Arm. St. En. Ac. (ASEA), Information Technologies and Management #3, vol. 2, Yerevan, "Encyclopedia-Armenica", 2002, p.78-80.
- Babayan Z.A., Creation of mathematical model with required accuracy of building materials quality. Armenian Association of Computer and Information Systems. Arm. St. En. Ac. (ASEA), Information Technologies and Management #3, vol. 2, Yerevan, "Encyclopedia-Armenica", 2002, p,81-85.
- Babayan Z.A., Statistic analysis for correspondence of technical conditions quality at the analysis for technical processes of facing materials production in Armenia. Armenian Association of Computer and Information Systems. Arm. St. En. Ac. (ASEA), Information Technologies and Management, "Encyclopedia-Armenica", vol. 3, Yerevan 2003, p. 144-147.
- Z.A. Babayan "Instrumentation realization methods during tooling of stone sawing machine. Yerevan, Armenia, 1988, № 6711.
- Z.A. Babayan "Tuff decorative blocks' defects after sawing with diamond disk and its elimination methods". Yerevan, Armenia, 1988, № 6, p.8.
- Z.A. Babayan "Measurement instrumentation examination influences on the rejected-materialin the production of building materials". Yerevan, Stone and Silicate Institution's work, 1988, p.96-98.
- Z.A. Babayan, M.S. Agakova "Conditions of tooling diamond cutoff saw in a production of tuff block. Stone and Silicate Institution's work, 1986, p.97-98.
- Ter-Azarev I.A., Babayan Z.A. СОЖ application for improvement of bulding materials quality. Natinal Academy of Science of Republic Armenia. National foundation of Science and Advanced Technologies. Chemical Science at the threshold of XXI centuary. Transaction of Abstracts. 18-20.05.2000, Yeravan, p.197. (Rus.)
- Babayan Z.A. Aoutomated production line for the polishing of fasing slabs using НИИКС БМ-3 lustremeter. Procedeengs of National Academy of Pepublic of Armenia and State Engineering University of Pepublic Armenia -Technical Science, vol. LM, N1, Yerevan, 1999, p. 131-133. (Rus.)
- Babayan Z.A. Measurement accuracy of the lustremeterupon its moving above the slab. Proc. of Nati.Acad. of Pepublic of Armenia and State Engin.Uni. of Pepublic Armenia -Tech. Sc., vol. XLIX, N2, Yerevan, 1995, p. 121-128 (Rus.)
- Babayan Z.A. Production line for the polishing of fasing stone slabs. Auth. Cert. N 1366331, 15.09.87. (Rus.)
- Babayan Z.A. Methods and means of polishing quality automatic control of facing slab surfaces and the studying of their accuracy. Architecture, Municipal Engineering, Construction: Joint Transaction of Sc.-Tech. Art. of Teach. Staff, Post-grad. And Sc., Yeravan, Yer. Ac. of Buld. En., 1997, p.109-111.
- Babayan Z.A. Aoutomated production line for the polishing of fasing slabs using НИИКС БМ-3 lustremeter. Transp. and RoadrBuld. Machines . Join Transaction of Sc.-Tech. Art. of Teach. Staff, Post-grad., Mag., And Sc., Lll, N1, ASEA, Yerevan, 1998, p 65-68. (Rus.)
- Babayan Z.A. Aoutomated facilities for measuring the brighteness upon moving of the production line. Transp. and Road-Buld. Machines. Join Transaction of Sc.-Tech. Art. of Teach. Staff, Post¬grad., Iviag. Ana Sc., ASEA, Yerevan, 1998, p 65-68. (Rus).
- Babayan Z.A., Haroutounyan K.A. Sample estimation of slab's surface polishing quality in production set. Association of Natural Stone Experts. Natural Stones of Armenia. Abstracts of Con. Reports, November 7-8, Yerevan. 2000, p. 64-67(Rus.)
- Ter-Azarev I. A., Babayan Z. A. About polishing of facing slabs in the sampling. Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia. Annual Scien. Conf. of SEU of Armenia. Vol. 1, Yerevan 2000, p.265-266.(Rus.)
- Babayan Z.A. Estimation of slab's surface polishing quality in production set on the basis of lustre measurement results in the sampling. Armenian Assosiation of Computer and Information Systems. Arm. St. En. Ac.(ASEA), Information Technologies and managments", Noyan Tapan" , Yerevan 1999, p. 106-108.(Rus.)
- Ter-Azarev I. A., Babayan Z.A., Haroutounyan K.A., Eliazyan L, Edoyan W,G.. Development of the technique and means for estimation of relation between the physical-technical properties of stone material and lustre index of the polished surface. Reports' Transaction of the International semina1" on "Conversion potential of Armenia and ISTC programs", part II, Yerevan 2000, p. 245.
- Babayan Z.A. Haroutounyan K.A. Ter-Azarev I. A., Eliazyan L. Development of the technique and means for estimation of relation between the separated groups of stone material and lustre index of the polished surface. ISTC Abstracts of reports October 2-7, 2000, p. 165.
- Babayan Z.A. Techniques of improvement in quality of the facing slabs made from natural stone with the development of the methods and means of control. Tech. Univer. Georgia, Diss. Cand Tech. Sci., Tbilisi, 1990, p.47-84.
- Babayan Z.A., About the possibility of creating the mathematical model for supporting the necessary index of the quality of building materials. Arsmenian Association of Computer and Information Systems, Arm. St. En. Ac. (ASEA), Information Technologies and Management #3, vol. 2, Yerevan, "Encyclopedia-Armenica", 2002, p.78-80.
- Babayan Z.A., Creation of mathematical model with required accuracy of building materials quality. Armenian Association of Computer and Information Systems. Arm. St. En. Ac. (ASEA), Information Technologies and Management #3, vol. 2, Yerevan, "Encyclopedia-Armenica", 2002, p,81-85.
- Babayan Z.A., Statistic analysis for correspondence of technical conditions quality at the analysis for technical processes of facing materials production in Armenia. Armenian Association of Computer and Information
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., Baghdasaryan A.M., Development and study of Armenia's natural stones quality estimation methods. Armenian Association of Computer and Information Systems. Arm. St. En. Ac. (ASEA), Information Technologies and Management 2, "Encyclopedia-Armenica", Yerevan 2005, p. 111-116.
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., Baghdasaryan A.M., Development and study of Armenia's natural stones quality estimation methods. Armenian Association of Computer and Information Systems. Arm. St. En. Ac. (ASEA), Information Technologies and Management 2, "Encyclopedia-Armenica", Yerevan 2005, p. 111-116.
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., Study of НИИКС БМ-3 lustremeter for lustre estimation of small sizes. Collection of Science Works, YSUAC, vol. 2, Yerevan 2005, p.92-95.
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., The use of НИИКС БМ-3 lustremeter for lustre estimation of small sizes. Collection of Science Works, YSUAC, vol. 2, Yerevan 2005, p.88-91.
- vSystems. Arm. St. En. Ac. (ASEA), Information Technologies and Management, "Encyclopedia-Armenica", vol. 3, Yerevan 2003, p. 144-147.
- Z.A. Babayan "Granite block's quality assessment on the basis of their preparation errors and linear dimension"'. Stone and Silicate Institution's work, 1986, p. 99-103.
- Z.A. Babayan "About decorative blocks and wall stones at companies. "Artik Tuff. Industry of Armenia, 1985, №15, p. 73-75.
- Z.A. Babayan "Assessment of tuff decorative slabs quality" Armenian industry, 1986, №5, p. 71-72.
- En. Ac. (ASEA), "Encyclopedia-Armenica", N 7, Yerevan 2007, p.170-176.
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., Estimation of digital measuring tract fallacy by НИИКС БМ-3 lustremeter at stone slabs polishing quality control. Bulletin of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia and State Engineering University of Armenia. Series of Technical Sciences, vol. LXI, Yerevan 2008, p. 175-177.
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., Etalon equipment for measurement of linear size parameters from nanometric to milimetric diapason of natural stone materials.
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., Laser methods and means of natural stone materials geometric size control. Armenian Association of Computer and Information Systems. Arm. St. En. Ac. (ASEA), Information Technologies and Management 6, "Encyclopedia-Armenica", Yerevan 2008, p.232-236.
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., Control equipment for measurement of linear sizes from nanometric to milimetric range of natural stone materials. Bulletin of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia and State Engineering University of Armenia. Series of Technical Sciences , vol. LXIIVYerevan 2009, p.89-92.
- geometric parameters. Collection of Science Works, YSUAC, vol. 2, Yerevan 2006, p.32-35.
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., Information-measuring systems of technologic and production processes of Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., Baghdasaryan A.M., Development and study of Armenia's natural stones quality estimation methods. Armenian Association of Computer and Information Systems. Arm. St. En. Ac. (ASEA), Information Technologies and Management 2, "Encyclopedia-Armenica", Yerevan 2005, p. 111-116.
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., Study of НИИКС БМ-3 lustremeter for lustre estimation of small sizes. Collection of Science Works, YSUAC, vol. 2, Yerevan 2005, p.92-95.
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., The use of НИИКС БМ-3 lustremeter for lustre estimation of small sizes. Collection of Science Works, YSUAC, vol. 2, Yerevan 2005, p.88-91.
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., Baghdasaryan A.M., Dependance of marble facing slab production polishing quality on petrographic, chemico-mineral composition. Collection of Science Works, YSUAC, vol. 3, Yerevan 2005, p.61-64.
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., Baghdasaryan A.M., Increasing the estimation quality by planning the estimation procedure of natural stone materials. Armenian Association of Computer and Information Systems. Arm. St. En. Ac. (ASEA), Information Technologies and Management 2-1, "Encyclopedia-Armenica", Yerevan 2006, p.76-80.
- Babayan Z.A., Development of the method of increasing complex criterion of technological process stability control. Bulletin of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia and State Engineering University of Armenia. Series LVIII, vol. 58, Yerevan 2005, p.188-191.
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., Baghdasaryan A.M., Automatic conveyor for facing slab polishing using НИИКС БМ-3 lustremeter. Armenian Association of Computer and Information Systems. Arm. St. En. Ac. (ASEA), Information Technologies and Management 2, "Encyclopedia-Armenica", Yerevan 2005, p. 126-128.
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., Baghdasaryan A.M., Development and study of the method of natural stones quality estimation. Armenian Association of Computer and Information Systems. Arm. St. En. Ac. (ASEA), Information Technologies and Management 4, "Encyclopedia-Armenica", Yerevan 2005, p. 111 -116.
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., Baghdasaryan A.M., Study of НИИКС БМ-3 lustremeter accuracy for small size details lustre estimation. Collection of Science Works, YSUAC, vol. 2, Yerevan 2005, p. 92-94.
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., Estimation of digital measuring tract fallacy by НИИКС БМ-3 lustremeter at stone slabs polishing quality control. Bulletin of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia and State Engineering University of Armenia. Series of Technical Sciences, vol. LXI, Yerevan 2008, p. 175-177.
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., Etalon equipment for measurement of linear size parameters from nanometric to milimetric diapason of natural stone materials.
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., Laser methods and means of natural stone materials geometric size control. Armenian Association of Computer and Information Systems. Arm. St. En. Ac. (ASEA), Information Technologies and Management 6, "Encyclopedia-Armenica", Yerevan 2008, p.232-236.
- Babayan Z.A., Ignatyan E.L., Control equipment for measurement of linear sizes from nanometric to milimetric range of natural stone materials. Bulletin of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia and State Engineering University of Armenia. Series of Technical Sciences , vol. LXIIVYerevan 2009, p.89-92.
- Babayan Z.A., Application of mathematical modeling measurements in microelectronics and production of building materials производстве. Armenian Association of Computer and Information Systems. Arm. St. En. Ac. (ASEA), Information Technologies and Management 3, "Encyclopedia-Armenica", Yerevan. 2012, p.226- 239
- Babayan Z.A., Technical measurements: interchangeability and nanometrology; Probabilar method of Armenia's natural stone materials production index estimation. Transactions of Ministry of Education and Science of RA. Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction’s LIII. Yearbook. Architecture, City Construction, Construction. Collectiol. 3, Yerevan 2012, p.74-85
- Babayan Z.A., Metrological support thin film nano- and microelectromechanical systems – the base of contemporary and perspective pressure transducers in aeronautic techniques. Armenian Association of Computer and Information Systems. Arm. St. En. Ac. (ASEA), Information Technologies and Management 4, "Encyclopedia-Armenica", Yerevan 2010, p.227-235.
- Babayan Z.A., Application for Invention. 20080079, 17.06.2008
- Babayan Z.A., Application for Invention. 20080080, 17.06.2008
- Babayan Z.A., Application for Invention. 20080081, 17.06.2008
- Babayan Z.A., Application for Invention. 20080082, 17.06.2008
- Babayan Z.A., Application for Invention. 20080083, 17.06.2008
- Babayan Z.A., Application for Invention. 20080084, 17.06.2008
- Babayan Z.A., Application for Invention. 20080085, 17.06.2008
- Babayan Z.A., Application for Invention. 20080086, 17.06.2008
- Babayan Z.A., Application for Invention. 20080087, 17.06.2008
- Babayan Z.A., Application for Invention. 20080088, 17.06.2008
- Babayan Z.A., Application for Invention. 20080089, 08.09.2008
- Babayan Z.A., Application for Invention. 20080090, 08.09.2008
- Babayan Z.A., Application for Invention. 20080091, 17.06.2008
- Babayan Z.A., Metrological support thin film nano- and microelectromechanical systems – the base of contemporary and perspective pressure transducers in aeronautic techniques. Armenian Association of Computer and Information Systems. Arm. St. En. Ac. (ASEA), Information Technologies and Management 4, "Encyclopedia-Armenica", Yerevan 2010, p.227-235.
- Бабаян З.А., Metrological support of test-object pattern of the line width facing slab in REM under various energy of electron probe; Armenian Association of Computer and Information Systems. Arm. St. En. Ac. (ASEA), Information Technologies and Management 4, "Encyclopedia-Armenica", Yerevan 2010, p.236-247.