Музей Сергея Параджанова
Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Музей Сергея Параджанова | |
Дом-музей Сергея Параджанова | |
The Sergej Parajanov Museum | |
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Дата основания: | 1988 (1991) |
Эл. почта: | parajanovmuseum@gmail.com |
Ссылки: | http://www.paradjanov.com |
История музея
Музей С. Параджанова был основан в 1988 году по решению правительства.
Землетрясение 1988 года задержало строительство и музей был открыт только в 1991 году.
Основу собрания составляют более 600 работ Параджанова.
Экспозиция музея включает более 250 произведений, документы, фотографии.
Большой интерес представляет собой художественное творчество режиссёра: коллажи, керамика, куклы, рисунки, ассамбляжи, эскизы к фильмам.
Эти произведения позволяют говорить о Параджанове как об уникальном и исключительно самобытном художнике.
The List of Exhibitons of Sergei Paradjanov’s Works
- 1. 1990 28.03-06.05 Munich From Ehzenchtein to Tarkovski Lenbach House 14
- 2. 1991 10.01-20.01 Kirovakan From Ehzenchtein to Tarkovski Art Gallery 30
- 3. 1991 8.01-11.01 Kiev S. Parajanov’s Memory Evening Cinema House 20
- 4. 1991 18.04-21.04 Riga Paradjanov’s Days Artist Club 21
- 5. 1991 01.01-10.01 Vienne From Ehzenchtein to Tarkovski Kunstler House 14
- 6. 1991 10.12-31.12 Cannes Reception Miramare 42
- 7. 1992 01.05-07.05 Lodz Paradjanov Retrospective Cinema Museum 13
- 8. 1992 30.05-03.06 Kiev City Day Culture Fond 18
- 9. 1992 01.06-04.06 Ekaterinburg Paradjanov Festival Cinema House 20
- 10. 1992 03.11-06.11 St.Peterburg Paradjanov Planet Cinema House 20
- 11. 1992 17.11-21.11 Renne Documentary Film Festival National Theatre of Bretagne 42
- 12. 1993 15.01-30.01 Moscow Paradjanov Exhibition Photo Center 72
- 13. 1993 27.02-03.03 Ekaterinburg Concert of Terterian Regional Philarmony 15
- 14. 1993 22.09-29.09 Vienne Week of Armenian Cinema Kynstler House 22
- 15. 1994 14.01-22.01 Tokyo Week of Armenian Cinema "Nichi jazaboun" Gallery 10
- 16. 1994 03.02-18.02 Teheran International Film Festival Cinema House 61
- 17. 1994 16.07-23.07 Sevastopole Festivale "Kerson Games" Krachinski Museum 32
- 18. 1994 15.11-29.11 Kiev Paradjanov Exhibition United Artist Gallery 80
- 19. 1994 13.11-22.11 Salonika International Film Festival Cultural Center "Milo" 61
- 20. 1994/1995 07.12-25.04 Bohum Exhibition of Armenian Culture Kemnade House 61
- 21. 1994/1995 27.12-16.01 Moscow Exhibition Gallery 44
- 22. 1995 11.08-25.08 Gyumri Exhibition Ethnographic Museum 50
- 23. 1995 04.11-04.12 Rome Pasolini Festival Exhibition Hall 60
- 24. 1997 26.03-02.04 Peking Days of Armenian Culture Exhibition Hall 52
- 25. 1997 30.09-08.10 Kiev Paradjanov Exhibition Kavaleridze Museum 40
- 26. 1997 05.10-19.10 Budapest Autumn Festival Armenian Culture Center 62
- 27. 1999 03.06-07.07 London Two Exhibitions of Sergei Paradjanov Leighton House Museum & Judith Clark Costume Gallery 50 12
- 28. 1999 13.09-21.09 Moscow Exhibition “Roland” Cinema 25
- 29. 1999 06.11-17.12 Boston Exhibition ALMA 56
- 30. 2000 28.03-07.04 Tbilisi Exhibition Museumof Georgian Arts 65
- 31. 2000 04.07-30.07 Beirut Exhibition Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock Museum 54
- 32. 2000 19.09-30.09 Riga Arsenal Festival Museum of Applied arts of Latvia 40
- 33. 2001 20.04-17.06 Valence Paradjanov plasticien Le Crac 59
- 34. 2001 03.07-18.07 Athens Exhibition Melina 50
- 35. 2001 13.11-26.11 Moscow Days of Armenian Culture in Russian Federation Central Artist House 42
- 36. 2001 07.11-20.11 Strasbourg Exhibition Council of Europe 35
- 37. 2002 25.04-05.05 Kazan Exhibition Municipal museum 40
- 38. 2002 16.10-15.11 Nicosia S.Parajanov: Selected works Levantis museum 60
- 39. 2003 21.07-29.07 Moscow International film festival Manezh 62
- 40. 2003 08.08-17.08 Kilkenny (Ireland) Arts festival Butler house 30
- 41. 2003 04.12-02.02 Los-Angeles Celebration: after life Hollywood Entertainment museum 50
- 42. 2004 23.01-02.02 Damask Days of Armenian Culture The Art Museum of Damask 29
- 43. 2004 17.06-04.07 Teheran Exhibition Cultural Center "Niavaran" 40
- 44. 2005 08.06- 20.06 St.Peterburg Exhibition Russian Ethnographic Museum 58
- 45. 2005 28.10 – 04.12 Montreal Exhibition Le Musee des Maitres et Artisans 50
- 46. 2006 21.07 – 03.09 Wroclaw Exhibition Museum of Architecture 51
- 47. 2007 09.01 – 05.03 Toulouse Annee Armenienne Cinematheque 30
- 48. 2007 12.02 – 09.04 Paris Paradjanov le Magnifique Ecole Nationale Superieure de Beaux Arts 72 6000
- 49. 2007 09.03 – 25.03 Paris /Bobigny/ Annee Armenienne Cinema Magique 30
- 50. 2007 25.04 – 20.05 St. Etienne Paradjanov le Magnifique Musee d’Art Moderne 72
- 51. 2007 15.05-30.09 Marseille Musee de la Mode 9
- 52 2007 09.12-15.12 Venice Parajanov Il Magnifico Collegio Armeno Moorat Raphael – Palazzo Zenobio 30
- 53 2007 18.12-27.12 Rome Parajanov Il Magnifico Castle of St. Angel 30
- 54 2008 30.01 – 21.03 KIEV National Ukrainien Museum of Art 55 43000
- 55 2008 11.12 – .12 Sofia National Gallery of Foreign Art 40