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Фонд социально-психологической помощи и развития специального образования Ареваманук (Гюмри)
Arevamanuk Fund of Psycho-Social Services and Development of Special Education (Gyumri)
Руководитель при регистрации:
Арминэ Гмуер-Карапетян
ул. Хримяна Айрика, 25, Гюмри, 377501, Марза Ширак, Армения
(374 41) 2 12 14; Факс:(374 1) 26 24 92
Эл. почта:
Текст на английском языкеThe Arevamanuk Foundation was established in July 2000 by the Giumri "Narek" Center for Psychological Services of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RA.
The mission of the Foundation is: to contribute to the harmonized psychic, mental and physical development of children in need for social-psychological care and special education.
The objectives of the fund are:
Development of social-psychological services network in the fields of education and health;
Psychological consulting services;
Prevention, diagnosis and control of psychic, mental and physical development disorders in children;
Reforms and development of psychological-pedagogical and special education projects for the children with mental, psychic and physical problems;
Increase in social activity and public awareness in helping the families of children requiring special care, based on the communities and public organizations;
Multilateral protection of the children with special needs within and outside the special institutions;
Prevention and control of the physical, psychological and other types of abuses of the children;
Development of programs targeted at providing the parents with psychological preparedness before and after the birth of children, and multilateral, regular care of the children;
Conducting humanitarian projects for the persons in the need for psychic, physical and social care.
The highest body of the Foundation is the General Meeting of 11 Founders.
The steering committee is the Founders' Board. The executive body is the Executive Department.
Текст на английском языкеThe Foundation is presently undertaking two projects:
- The "Introduction of the social-psychological service at boarding schools", the purpose of which is to create in the three boarding schools of Giumri a team of social-psychological services. The sponsor of the project is the "Caritas-Armenia" Philanthropic Organization;
- "Establishment of a professional data bank", which is undertaken through the USAID funded World Learning NGO Strengthening Project.