Андреасян Вазген — различия между версиями

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Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{persont|ID=4861|dcreate=18.07.2006 18:34:20|dmodify=18.07.2006 18:35:07}}
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| место смерти        =
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| краткая информация = Инженер-агроном, гидролог, писатель
| тэг01 = Доктора географических наук
| тэг02 =
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| тэг05 =  
1990 - инженер-агроном, INA-PG.
1992 - степень магистра университет Аризоны.
Андреасян Вазген
1992 - инженер в ENGREF.
2002 - доктор гидрологии, Университета Пьера и Мари Кюри (Париж).
*Andréassian, V. , V. Sarkissian, W. Chełmicki, V.Al. Stănescu and R. Moussa, 2005. Dictionary of hydrological engineering: English, French, Armenian, Russian, Polish, Romanian, Arabic. Cemagref éditions, Antony. http://www.cemagref.fr/Informations/Produits/Lexique_hydro/index.html
*Lavabre, J. and V. Andréassian, 2000. Eaux et forêts. La forêt : un outil de gestion des eaux ? Cemagref, Antony. Sarkissian, V. and V. Andréassian. 1995. Lexique des sciences hydrologiques : Anglais-Français-Arménien-Russe. Erevan
*Andréassian, V. et J. Lerat, 2007. Le surprenant cycle de l'eau. Editions le Pommier, 59 p.
*Andréassian, V. et J. Margat, 2005. Allons-nous manquer d'eau ? Editions le Pommier, 59 p.
*Andréassian, V. , 2005. Pourquoi les rivières débordent-elles ? Editions le Pommier, 63 p.
===Статьи и публикации===
*Oudin, L., V. Andréassian , C. Perrin, C. Michel and N. Le Moine. 2007. Spatial proximity, physical similarity and ungaged catchments: a comparison based on 913 French catchments. Water Resources Research
*Payan J.-L., C. Perrin, C. Michel and V. Andréassian . 2007. Can we account for man-made reservoirs in a lumped rainfall-runoff model? Water Resources Research
*Andréassian, V. , C. Loumagne, T. Mathevet, C. Michel, L. Oudin, C. Perrin. 2007. What is really undermining hydrologic science today? Hydrological Processes, 21:2819-2822
*Le Moine, N., Andréassian, V. , Perrin, C., and Michel, C., 2007. How can rainfall-runoff models handle intercatchment groundwater flows? Theoretical study over 1040 French catchments. Water Resources Research, 43, W06428, doi:10.1029/2006WR005608
*Perrin, C., Oudin, L., Andréassian, V. , Rojas-Serna, C., Michel, C. and Mathevet, T., 2007. Impact of limited streamflow knowledge on the efficiency and the parameters of rainfall-runoff models. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 52(1): 131-151.
*Anctil, F., Lauzon, N., Andréassian, V. , Oudin, L. and Perrin, C., 2006. Improvement of rainfall-runoff forecasts through mean areal rainfall optimization. Journal of Hydrology, 328(3-4): 717-725
*Mouelhi, S., Michel, C., Perrin, C. and Andréassian, V. , 2006. Linking stream flow to rainfall at the annual time step: the Manabe bucket model revisited. Journal of Hydrology, 328(1-2): 283-296
*Perrin, C., Dilks, C., Bärlund, I., Payan, JL and Andréassian, V. , 2006. Use of simple rainfall-runoff models as a baseline for the benchmarking of the hydrological component of complex catchment models. Large Rivers (Archiv für Hydrobiologie Suppl.), 17(1-2): 75-96
*Perrin, C., Andréassian, V. and Michel, C., 2006. Simple benchmark models as a basis for criteria of model efficiency. Large Rivers (Archiv für Hydrobiologie Suppl.), 17(1-2): 221-244
*Oudin, L., Andréassian, V. , Mathevet, T., Perrin, C., and Michel, C., 2006. Dynamic averaging of rainfall-runoff model simulations from complementary model parameterizations. Water Resources Research, 42(7), W07410, doi:10.1029/2005WR004636
*Oudin, L., Perrin, C., Mathevet, T., Andréassian, V. and Michel, C., 2006. Impact of biased and randomly corrupted inputs on the efficiency and the parameters of watershed models. Journal of Hydrology, 320:62-83
*Duan, Q., Schaake, J., Andréassian, V. , Franks, S., Goteti, G., Gupta, HV, Gusev, YM, Habets, F., Hall, A., Hay, L., Hogue, T., Huang, M., Leavesley, G., Liang, X., Nasonova, ON, Noilhan, J., Oudin, L., Sorooshian, S., Wagener, T. and Wood, EF, 2006. Model Parameter Estimation Experiment (MOPEX): an overview of science strategy and major results from the second and third workshops. Journal of Hydrology, 320:3-17
*Mouelhi, S., C. Michel, C. Perrin, and V. Andréassian, 2006. Stepwise development of a two-parameter monthly water balance model. Journal of Hydrology, 318: 200-214
*Oudin, L., C. Michel, V. Andréassian, F. Anctil, and C. Loumagne, 2005. Should Bouchet's hypothesis be taken into account for estimating evapotranspiration in rainfall-runoff modeling? An assessment over 308 catchments. Hydrological Processes, 19: 4093-4106
*Moulin, L., Perrin, C., Michel, C. and Andréassian, V. , 2005. Prise en compte de barrages-réservoirs dans un modèle pluie-débit global : application au cas du bassin de la Seine amont. La Houille Blanche(5): 79-87
*Oudin, L., F. Hervieu, C. Michel, C. Perrin, V. Andréassian, F. Anctil, and C. Loumagne, 2005. Which potential evapotranspiration input for a lumped rainfall-runoff model? - Part 2 - Towards a simple and efficient potential evapotranspiration model for rainfall-runoff modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 303(1-4): 290-306
*Michel, C., V. Andréassian, and C. Perrin, 2005. The SCS-Curve Number method: How to mend a wrong soil-moisture accounting procedure? Water Resources Research, 41(2): doi:10.1029/2004WR003191
*Oudin, L., V. Andréassian, C. Perrin, and F. Anctil, 2005. Locating the sources of low-pass behaviour within rainfall-runoff models. Water Resources Research, 40(11): doi:10.1029/2004WR003291
*Cosandey, C., V. Andréassian, C. Martin, J.-F. Didon-Lescot, J. Lavabre, N. Folton, N. Mathys, and D. Richard, 2005. The hydrological impact of the Mediterranean forest: a review of French research. Journal of Hydrology, 301(1-4): 235-249
*Andréassian, V. , A. Oddos, C. Michel, F. Anctil, C. Perrin, and C. Loumagne, 2004. Impact of spatial aggregation of inputs and parameters on the efficiency of rainfall-runoff models: a theoretical study using chimera watersheds. Water Resources Research, 40(5): W05209, doi: 10.1029/2003WR002854
*Andréassian, V. , 2004. Waters and Forests: from historical controversy to scientific debate. Journal of Hydrology, 291(1-2): 1-27
*Andréassian, V. , 2004. Couvert forestier et comportement hydrologique des bassins versants. La Houille Blanche, n°2: 31-35
*Anctil, F., C. Perrin, and V. Andréassian, 2004. Impact of the length of observed records on the performance of ANN and of conceptual parsimonious rainfall-runoff forecasting models. Environmental Modelling and Software, 19(4): 357-368
*Andréassian, V. , C. Perrin, and C. Michel, 2004. Impact of imperfect potential evapotranspiration knowledge on the efficiency and parameters of watershed models. Journal of Hydrology, 286: 19-35
*Anctil, F., C. Michel, C. Perrin, and V. Andréassian, 2004. A soil moisture index as an auxiliary ANN input for stream flow forecasting. Journal of Hydrology, 286: 155-167
*Anctil, F., C. Perrin, and V. Andréassian , 2003. ANN output updating of lumped conceptual rainfall-runoff forecasting models. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 39(5): 1269-1280
*Andréassian, V. , E. Parent, and C. Michel, 2003. A distribution-free test to detect gradual changes in watershed behavior. Water Resources Research, 39(9): 1252, doi:10.1029/2003WR002081
*Perrin, C., C. Michel, and V. Andréassian , 2003. Improvement of a parsimonious model for streamflow simulation. Journal of Hydrology, 279: 275-289
*Wasson, J.-G., M.-H. Tusseau-Vuillemin, V. Andréassian , C. Perrin, J.-B. Faure, O. Barreteau, M. Bousquet, and B. Chastan, 2003. What kind of water models are needed for the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive? Examples from France. International Journal of River Basin Management, 1(2): 1-11
*Michel, C., C. Perrin, and V. Andréassian, 2003. The exponential store: a correct formulation for rainfall–runoff modelling. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 48(1): 109-124
*Lavabre, J., V. Andréassian, and O. Laroussinie, 2002. Les eaux et les forêts. La forêt : un outil de gestion des eaux? La Houille Blanche, n°3: 72-77
*Andréassian, V. , C. Perrin, C. Michel, I. Usart-Sanchez and J. Lavabre, 2001. Impact of Imperfect Rainfall Knowledge on the Efficiency and the Parameters of Watershed Models. Journal of Hydrology, 250 (1-4): 206-223.
*Perrin, C., C. Michel and V. Andréassian, 2001. Does a large number of parameters enhance model performance? Comparative assessment of common catchment model structures on 429 catchments. Journal of Hydrology, 242 (3-4): 275-301
*Meybeck, M., Z. Idlafkih, N. Fauchon and V. Andréassian. 1999. Spatial and temporal variability of Total Suspended Solids in the Seine basin. Hydrobiologia, 410: 295-306
*Meybeck, M., M. Akopian and V. Andréassian, 1998. Le lac Sévan : une catastrophe annoncée. La Recherche, 310: 34-36.
*Andréassian, V. , 2005 Three riddles in hydrological modelling. Habilitation Thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 154 pp.
*Andréassian, V. , 2002. Impact de l'évolution du couvert forestier sur le comportement hydrologique des bassins versants. Ph.D. Thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 781 pp.
*Andréassian, V. 1992. Comparative Hydrology of Mediterranean shrublands. MS Thesis. University of Arizona, Tucson. 139 p.
*Доктор географических наук (по гидрологии, 2002)
==Членство в академиях и научных обществах==
*Член Французского Национальногой комитета по Гидрологии (CNFSH)
*Член Международной ассоциации гидрологических наук (международная научная гидрологическая ассоциация)
*Член Американского геофизического союза (AGU)
Изображение:Вазген Андреасян3.gif</gallery>
*«Гидрологический словарь для инженеров. Английский, французский, армянский, русский, польский, румынский, арабский» изд-во cemagref, 2005, ISBN 2853626482
*[http://www.antony.cemagref.fr/qhan/moyens/ressources%20humaines/Andreassian/Andreassian.htm Vazken Andréassian]
*[http://www.cemagref.fr/hydro-miracles/ContactAV.htm THE COURT OF MIRACLES OF HYDROLOGY] (фр.)
Formation :
- 1990 : Ing?nieur Agronome, INA-PG
*vazken.andreassian @ cemagref.fr
- 1992 : Master of Sciences, Gestion des Bassins Versants (Watershed Management), University of Arizona
- 1992 : Ing?nieur du G?nie Rural, des Eaux et des For?ts, ENGREF
- 2002 : Docteur en Hydrologie, Universit? Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI).
[[Категория:Доктора географических наук]]
Depuis 1997, Chef de l'?quipe Hydrologie au sein de l'Unit? de Recherche "Qualit? et Fonctionnement Hydrologique des Syst?mes Aquatiques" du CEMAGREF (Centre national du machinisme agricole, du g?nie rural, des eaux et for?ts), Antony.
Expert aupr?s de la Commission europ?enne.
Site web de l'auteur : www.antony.cemagref.fr/qhan/moyens/ressources%20humaines/Andreassian/Andreassian.htm
Lexique hydrologique pour l'Ing?nieur, anglais fran?ais arm?nien russe polonais roumain arabe 
  Ed. cemagref, 2005, ISBN 2853626482
Перевод с фрацузского
Вазген Андреасян
-1990 - инженер-агроном, INA-PG
-1992 - степень магистра университет Аризоны
-1992 - инженер в ENGREF
-2002 - доктор гидрологии, Университет Пьера и Мари Кюри (Париж)
веб-страница писателя:
"Гидрологический словарь для инженеров. Английский, французский, армянский, русский, польский, румынский, арабский"
изд-во cemagref, 2005, ISBN 2853626482

Текущая версия на 17:23, 6 июля 2015

Дополните информацию о персоне
Андреасян Вазген
Andreassian Vazken
Вазген Андреасян11.jpg
На английском: Andreassian Vazken
На армянском: Վազգէն Անդրէասեան
Краткая информация:
Инженер-агроном, гидролог, писатель


1990 - инженер-агроном, INA-PG.

1992 - степень магистра университет Аризоны.

1992 - инженер в ENGREF.

2002 - доктор гидрологии, Университета Пьера и Мари Кюри (Париж).



  • Andréassian, V. , V. Sarkissian, W. Chełmicki, V.Al. Stănescu and R. Moussa, 2005. Dictionary of hydrological engineering: English, French, Armenian, Russian, Polish, Romanian, Arabic. Cemagref éditions, Antony. http://www.cemagref.fr/Informations/Produits/Lexique_hydro/index.html
  • Lavabre, J. and V. Andréassian, 2000. Eaux et forêts. La forêt : un outil de gestion des eaux ? Cemagref, Antony. Sarkissian, V. and V. Andréassian. 1995. Lexique des sciences hydrologiques : Anglais-Français-Arménien-Russe. Erevan
  • Andréassian, V. et J. Lerat, 2007. Le surprenant cycle de l'eau. Editions le Pommier, 59 p.
  • Andréassian, V. et J. Margat, 2005. Allons-nous manquer d'eau ? Editions le Pommier, 59 p.
  • Andréassian, V. , 2005. Pourquoi les rivières débordent-elles ? Editions le Pommier, 63 p.

Статьи и публикации

  • Oudin, L., V. Andréassian , C. Perrin, C. Michel and N. Le Moine. 2007. Spatial proximity, physical similarity and ungaged catchments: a comparison based on 913 French catchments. Water Resources Research
  • Payan J.-L., C. Perrin, C. Michel and V. Andréassian . 2007. Can we account for man-made reservoirs in a lumped rainfall-runoff model? Water Resources Research
  • Andréassian, V. , C. Loumagne, T. Mathevet, C. Michel, L. Oudin, C. Perrin. 2007. What is really undermining hydrologic science today? Hydrological Processes, 21:2819-2822
  • Le Moine, N., Andréassian, V. , Perrin, C., and Michel, C., 2007. How can rainfall-runoff models handle intercatchment groundwater flows? Theoretical study over 1040 French catchments. Water Resources Research, 43, W06428, doi:10.1029/2006WR005608
  • Perrin, C., Oudin, L., Andréassian, V. , Rojas-Serna, C., Michel, C. and Mathevet, T., 2007. Impact of limited streamflow knowledge on the efficiency and the parameters of rainfall-runoff models. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 52(1): 131-151.
  • Anctil, F., Lauzon, N., Andréassian, V. , Oudin, L. and Perrin, C., 2006. Improvement of rainfall-runoff forecasts through mean areal rainfall optimization. Journal of Hydrology, 328(3-4): 717-725
  • Mouelhi, S., Michel, C., Perrin, C. and Andréassian, V. , 2006. Linking stream flow to rainfall at the annual time step: the Manabe bucket model revisited. Journal of Hydrology, 328(1-2): 283-296
  • Perrin, C., Dilks, C., Bärlund, I., Payan, JL and Andréassian, V. , 2006. Use of simple rainfall-runoff models as a baseline for the benchmarking of the hydrological component of complex catchment models. Large Rivers (Archiv für Hydrobiologie Suppl.), 17(1-2): 75-96
  • Perrin, C., Andréassian, V. and Michel, C., 2006. Simple benchmark models as a basis for criteria of model efficiency. Large Rivers (Archiv für Hydrobiologie Suppl.), 17(1-2): 221-244
  • Oudin, L., Andréassian, V. , Mathevet, T., Perrin, C., and Michel, C., 2006. Dynamic averaging of rainfall-runoff model simulations from complementary model parameterizations. Water Resources Research, 42(7), W07410, doi:10.1029/2005WR004636
  • Oudin, L., Perrin, C., Mathevet, T., Andréassian, V. and Michel, C., 2006. Impact of biased and randomly corrupted inputs on the efficiency and the parameters of watershed models. Journal of Hydrology, 320:62-83
  • Duan, Q., Schaake, J., Andréassian, V. , Franks, S., Goteti, G., Gupta, HV, Gusev, YM, Habets, F., Hall, A., Hay, L., Hogue, T., Huang, M., Leavesley, G., Liang, X., Nasonova, ON, Noilhan, J., Oudin, L., Sorooshian, S., Wagener, T. and Wood, EF, 2006. Model Parameter Estimation Experiment (MOPEX): an overview of science strategy and major results from the second and third workshops. Journal of Hydrology, 320:3-17
  • Mouelhi, S., C. Michel, C. Perrin, and V. Andréassian, 2006. Stepwise development of a two-parameter monthly water balance model. Journal of Hydrology, 318: 200-214
  • Oudin, L., C. Michel, V. Andréassian, F. Anctil, and C. Loumagne, 2005. Should Bouchet's hypothesis be taken into account for estimating evapotranspiration in rainfall-runoff modeling? An assessment over 308 catchments. Hydrological Processes, 19: 4093-4106
  • Moulin, L., Perrin, C., Michel, C. and Andréassian, V. , 2005. Prise en compte de barrages-réservoirs dans un modèle pluie-débit global : application au cas du bassin de la Seine amont. La Houille Blanche(5): 79-87
  • Oudin, L., F. Hervieu, C. Michel, C. Perrin, V. Andréassian, F. Anctil, and C. Loumagne, 2005. Which potential evapotranspiration input for a lumped rainfall-runoff model? - Part 2 - Towards a simple and efficient potential evapotranspiration model for rainfall-runoff modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 303(1-4): 290-306
  • Michel, C., V. Andréassian, and C. Perrin, 2005. The SCS-Curve Number method: How to mend a wrong soil-moisture accounting procedure? Water Resources Research, 41(2): doi:10.1029/2004WR003191
  • Oudin, L., V. Andréassian, C. Perrin, and F. Anctil, 2005. Locating the sources of low-pass behaviour within rainfall-runoff models. Water Resources Research, 40(11): doi:10.1029/2004WR003291
  • Cosandey, C., V. Andréassian, C. Martin, J.-F. Didon-Lescot, J. Lavabre, N. Folton, N. Mathys, and D. Richard, 2005. The hydrological impact of the Mediterranean forest: a review of French research. Journal of Hydrology, 301(1-4): 235-249
  • Andréassian, V. , A. Oddos, C. Michel, F. Anctil, C. Perrin, and C. Loumagne, 2004. Impact of spatial aggregation of inputs and parameters on the efficiency of rainfall-runoff models: a theoretical study using chimera watersheds. Water Resources Research, 40(5): W05209, doi: 10.1029/2003WR002854
  • Andréassian, V. , 2004. Waters and Forests: from historical controversy to scientific debate. Journal of Hydrology, 291(1-2): 1-27
  • Andréassian, V. , 2004. Couvert forestier et comportement hydrologique des bassins versants. La Houille Blanche, n°2: 31-35
  • Anctil, F., C. Perrin, and V. Andréassian, 2004. Impact of the length of observed records on the performance of ANN and of conceptual parsimonious rainfall-runoff forecasting models. Environmental Modelling and Software, 19(4): 357-368
  • Andréassian, V. , C. Perrin, and C. Michel, 2004. Impact of imperfect potential evapotranspiration knowledge on the efficiency and parameters of watershed models. Journal of Hydrology, 286: 19-35
  • Anctil, F., C. Michel, C. Perrin, and V. Andréassian, 2004. A soil moisture index as an auxiliary ANN input for stream flow forecasting. Journal of Hydrology, 286: 155-167
  • Anctil, F., C. Perrin, and V. Andréassian , 2003. ANN output updating of lumped conceptual rainfall-runoff forecasting models. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 39(5): 1269-1280
  • Andréassian, V. , E. Parent, and C. Michel, 2003. A distribution-free test to detect gradual changes in watershed behavior. Water Resources Research, 39(9): 1252, doi:10.1029/2003WR002081
  • Perrin, C., C. Michel, and V. Andréassian , 2003. Improvement of a parsimonious model for streamflow simulation. Journal of Hydrology, 279: 275-289
  • Wasson, J.-G., M.-H. Tusseau-Vuillemin, V. Andréassian , C. Perrin, J.-B. Faure, O. Barreteau, M. Bousquet, and B. Chastan, 2003. What kind of water models are needed for the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive? Examples from France. International Journal of River Basin Management, 1(2): 1-11
  • Michel, C., C. Perrin, and V. Andréassian, 2003. The exponential store: a correct formulation for rainfall–runoff modelling. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 48(1): 109-124
  • Lavabre, J., V. Andréassian, and O. Laroussinie, 2002. Les eaux et les forêts. La forêt : un outil de gestion des eaux? La Houille Blanche, n°3: 72-77
  • Andréassian, V. , C. Perrin, C. Michel, I. Usart-Sanchez and J. Lavabre, 2001. Impact of Imperfect Rainfall Knowledge on the Efficiency and the Parameters of Watershed Models. Journal of Hydrology, 250 (1-4): 206-223.
  • Perrin, C., C. Michel and V. Andréassian, 2001. Does a large number of parameters enhance model performance? Comparative assessment of common catchment model structures on 429 catchments. Journal of Hydrology, 242 (3-4): 275-301
  • Meybeck, M., Z. Idlafkih, N. Fauchon and V. Andréassian. 1999. Spatial and temporal variability of Total Suspended Solids in the Seine basin. Hydrobiologia, 410: 295-306
  • Meybeck, M., M. Akopian and V. Andréassian, 1998. Le lac Sévan : une catastrophe annoncée. La Recherche, 310: 34-36.


  • Andréassian, V. , 2005 Three riddles in hydrological modelling. Habilitation Thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 154 pp.
  • Andréassian, V. , 2002. Impact de l'évolution du couvert forestier sur le comportement hydrologique des bassins versants. Ph.D. Thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 781 pp.
  • Andréassian, V. 1992. Comparative Hydrology of Mediterranean shrublands. MS Thesis. University of Arizona, Tucson. 139 p.


  • Доктор географических наук (по гидрологии, 2002)

Членство в академиях и научных обществах

  • Член Французского Национальногой комитета по Гидрологии (CNFSH)
  • Член Международной ассоциации гидрологических наук (международная научная гидрологическая ассоциация)
  • Член Американского геофизического союза (AGU)



  • «Гидрологический словарь для инженеров. Английский, французский, армянский, русский, польский, румынский, арабский» изд-во cemagref, 2005, ISBN 2853626482
  • Vazken Andréassian


  • vazken.andreassian @ cemagref.fr